Between Aarhus’s and Ohio’s is the busy highway has been extended from four to six tracks. Now the Danish road directorate among other things, examined the prospects of a possible expansion of the motorvejsstrækningen from Skanderborg to Vejle.
the Line is 38 km long and is among the country’s busiest sections of motorway. Every day that passes between 53.800 and the 62.600 vehicles on weekdays.
– during peak hours there is big load on the highway and a part of accidents and incidents, and the traffic settled therefore at a reduced speed for several hours both in the morning and eftermiddagsmyldretiden, writes the Danish road directorate in the study.
– experienced also congestion in the peak hours around tilslutningsanlæggene of the larger cities, especially at Horsens, why the travel time in this period of time is extended. In spite of the longer travel time in peak hours takes the ride on the highway average no more than three minutes extra compared with the travel time outside rush hours, writes the Danish road directorate.
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the Survey is among other things made, because the calculations show that the traffic towards 2030 will increase by up to 35 percent, if not the highway to be expanded. If the highway to be expanded, is there room for more vehicles, and so expected an increase in traffic of up to 40 percent compared to today.
– the Difference in traffic volumes without and with a extended highway in 2030 is approximately 3 percent, and the development will thus only cause a limited increased volume of traffic, but will mean that any shortfall in capacity in the peak hours will be reduced. It is estimated that the majority of the increased traffic is transferred from other roads, writes the Danish road directorate.
– If the highway to be expanded, will be in the peak hours could save up to six minutes on a trip between Vejle and Skanderborg. Outside of peak times will not achieve the time savings, they write.
the Danish road directorate estimates that it will cost approximately 3.6 billion dollars to expand the highway between Skanderborg and Vejle to three tracks.
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