“The tubers were discovered last month in connection with 85-year-old Ginsburg was hospitalized after a fallolycka in his office in Washington DC.”

“Any further treatment is not timely, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg will now rest a few days at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York city, where she was treated, according to the court.”

“Judge Ginsburg was appointed by president Bill Clinton in 1993 and is one of four liberal judges in the supreme court. Overall, the supreme court of the united states nine judges. Since president Donald Trump office, he has nominated two conservative judges and got them approved.”

“The liberal faction is, therefore, a minority, and much attention has recently been directed towards the Ginsburgs to failing health. If she would die or be forced to withdraw for health reasons may Trump the opportunity to nominate another conservative judge, which would be of importance in the united states a long time to come.”

“the HD-judges are appointed by the president for life but may retire at his own request.”