“…A fine video – after the positive being given the diagnosis may”

“Last autumn, launched the six-year-old Isabelle her treatment for leukaemia. And recently the family got glädjebeskedet – she is free from cancer cells. In a video, parts of Isabelle, with the gratifying news that has touched many. “

“At the end of October 2018 fell ill six-year-old Isabelle, in a high fever and began to vomit. Three days later the family got the news – she had acute lymphoblastic leukemia. For the mother Angelica Johansson Svahn, 26, and father Richard Johansson, 33, plunged the world together. At the same time as they would have their third child would Isabelle start a treatment of 2.5 years. “

“– It was the grief, jättesorg. You thought that you would lose her, of course. So would the little brother be, and it felt terrible, it felt like I would swap out one child for another. We couldn’t stop crying. It was a shock, we were in crisis, ” says Angelica.”

“Now has about three months of treatment passed, and the first time has been tough, even Expressen wrote about. Angelica describes it as a time of highs and lows. Isabelle has been very ill and has had huge pains. “

“– In those moments, you think, ”this is not capable we are, 2.5 years into this, it just isn’t going to”. It is emotionally exhausting to see her child so terribly sick. But then as soon as she had been good, then you are incredibly lucky and happy of the little things you never thought you would be happy before. “

“”It was a turning point ‘”

“At the end of January the family got good news. Benmärgsprovet showed that Isabelle is completely free of cancer cells. “

“– When we got this news and could see her joy it, it was like a turning point for us. For us, it feels incredibly nice to all this sorrow, the anxiety and the pain she has had in three months of time is for a reason, it works. “

“the News was celebrated with non-alcoholic bubbly. And when Angelica saw, played Isabelle in a video on her cell phone where she tells us that she does not have any cancer cells left: ”My dad and mom started to cry, and I was so happy that I also started to cry,” she says in the clip that you shared on Facebook.”

” I was completely taken by what she said. You could really see her joy in the film. Throughout the day, it was like walking on clouds. It was very. “

“The tough treatment will, however, continue for a while, to prevent a relapse. The family has a Facebook page where they share … A disease – one reason is to inspire others. “

“– Known and unknown have written and told them how our news and our history changed their way of looking at everyday life and their life, “says Angelica, and continues:”

“– Isabelle has been talking about the first time she got sick, she’d be the one who can support other children going through the same thing. “