Noelia is with her husband Huberto in his final days. These are the hardest times of her life. Huberto, her husband of 20 years, died from lung cancer. In just seven weeks, her life was completely transformed. Despite the trauma, the woman from Granada wanted a letter to be written on her behalf and her husband to express gratitude to the professionals at the Virgende las Nieves hospital in Granada for all their help.
Noelia begins her letter by saying that she wanted to express gratitude for all the support received from the oncology team. They were able to rely on the doctors’ support during these difficult days and weeks. We are grateful for your listening, support, and hugs, as well as the tears shed and empathy, encouragement, and care you gave. Huber’s last days were filled with extraordinary emotion. She went from giving thanks to the heart and began to give thanks. Noelia gave a watercolor as a thank-you. Huber and Noelia, we are forever grateful.
The first part of Noelia’s letter. / Ideal
Noelia tells IDEAL that she wrote the letter because, after seven very difficult weeks, “if not for the plant staff I wouldn’t be able to sustain myself.” We were completely ignorant of everything happening and did not want to understand how it was all going. They treated us with kindness, integrity, and professionalism… We’ve met many professionals, but Rafa was the one who did more than the professional and personal. She was motivated to express her gratitude for her husband’s sad ending. “All of the staff at the hospital are incredible. Everyone received attention, good treatment, and had great conversations. It is important to thank them, as you could go insane if they don’t. They are like our family, so I know they will be missed. She relates that she doesn’t know how it would have been without them.
He was aware that he had to express his gratitude for the treatment received. As he walked along Cuesta de Gomerez he saw a street artist’s watercolor. “I liked the combination of colors and thought it would be nice if I wore something to express my gratitude for the treatment received,” she wrote. A small painting was attached to her letter. It will remain at the hospital’s Oncology Ward.
The second part of Noelia’s letter. / Ideal
Noelia wrote the letter and took it along with the watercolor to the hospital. “I gave it the psychologist, and she later explained to me that everyone was moved and delighted by her letter.” Noelia also tells how her professional asked her permission for her to frame the letter and place it on the ground.
Later, it would be the Virgende las Nieves hospital that would make Noelia’s touching gesture on networks. A painting which fills us with emotion. We will always remember this great person when we see it on the Oncology floors. This is why we exist: to care for our patients and be there with them. Huber will always remain in our hearts,” the hospital’s message said. It also included a photo of Huber’s watercolor and Noelia’s thank-you letter.