A 23-year-old man and a 27-year-old woman was at a closed grundlovsforhør by the district Court in Sønderborg on Thursday remanded in custody until 2. January for serious violence against their 6-week-old boy.

this was stated by The South Jutland Police in a press release.

the Boy during the incident suffered serious injuries but is outside of death.

The damage, which is talk about, like the other circumstances of the case, will the south and South – Jutland Police not go into details.

It tells kommunkationsansvarlig at South Jutland Police Mads Dollerup-Scheibel.

– for the sake Of the investigation we can’t say anything about it at the present time, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

South Jutland Police report that the arrest of the two happened without drama.

It is not stated whether the arrest took place on Wednesday or Thursday.

The two accused chose not to dear remand to the district court.