“You have been shot in the legs”

“A man has been shot in the legs, in the vicinity of the subway station in Fittja centrum, Stockholm.”

“No-suspect gärningsperson has been arrested.”

“The skottskadade the man is taken to hospital and a large police operation is in progress in Fittja centre.”

“the Police was alerted to Fittja center at 21.44 during the Wednesday night.”

“Where encountered the police an injured person.”

“– There is a person who is wounded by a gun shot in the legs. He is taken by ambulance to the hospital, ” says Per Fahlström, presstalesperson with the police in Stockholm.”

“the Police followed the man to the hospital to interrogate him.”

“the Man’s skadeläge is currently unclear.”

“– But he was awake and talbar, ” says Eva Nilsson, presstalesperson with the police in Stockholm.”

“Blood and frogs found

“A large police operation is in progress in Fittja centrum and the suspected crime scene has been locked by. According to information provided to Aftonbladet have blood, and cores found at the site.”

“– It has been done in connection to the underground, but where exactly I don’t know, ” says Eva Nilsson.”

“the Police was alerted after several witnesses heard the bangs as they understood that the shots in the vicinity of the metro station. In connection with the shots and they have witnesses seen several young men who found themselves on a footbridge.”

“the Police are searching for witnesses and checking surveillance cameras in the area.”

” I don’t know if anyone has seen the event. But there is more than one person who has heard the bangs, ” says Eva Nilsson.”

“the Event classified as attempted murder.”

“According to information provided to Aftonbladet had the suspected perpetrator has a black jacket on and ran from the scene after the incident.”

“Just before midnight during the night of Thursday, stated to the police that no one has been arrested.”

“”I have no information that someone is in custody,” says Fahlström.”

“A technical study will be done on the spot during the night, according to the police.”

“– You will try to find gärningspersonen or gärningspersonerna, so long as we do not know who or what it is. It will be done in different ways, we will conduct interviews, check security cameras, and there will be a technical survey to see if gärningspersonerna going to find the way.”