But less than 32 days ago, the American public authorities partially shut down. In the meantime, broke the record of the longest shutdown in the Us history, and more and more Americans are likely to experience discomfort. In short, it is time to put an end to the begrotingsimpasse, but is that still possible?

The budget in the U.S. fell in december, just before christmas, will not be approved because the Democrats refused to accept a sum of five billion euros ($5.7 billion) for the construction of a limes wall between the United States and Mexico. the

Because the budget has not been signed, the financing of public services, stop making numerous federal officials to date (temporarily) unemployed. While there, the first day is not too much disruption, and get more and more employees it is difficult. On average, misliep a federal official as about 4,500 euros. In the meantime, numerous officials now appeal on an unemployment benefit because they are the ends that are difficult to each other can nodes.

also Read This is Mark Meadows, the man who Trump flattered to be the longest shutdown in the history

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