The US authorities accuse her of, to have for the Kremlin spies. So far, the alleged agent Butina protested their innocence. Now she is cooperating, apparently, and wants to plead guilty.

as A suspected spy unmasked Russian has agreed with the U.S. Department of justice, apparently on a Deal. A court indicates that the document in which Federal prosecutors in the case, Maria Butina as “resolved”. Together with their lawyer, they filed a motion to Amend the pleadings of the accused. Apparently, she wants to plead guilty. So far, Butina had protested their innocence.

For Wednesday was scheduled for a hearing. The prosecutors in Washington are accusing the 30-year-old Butina, the Kremlin, secret information about American officials and political organizations. Through contacts with the powerful U.S. gun lobby, the NRA, they have tried, and relations to United States politicians.

The FBI monitored Butina and published this photo of an alleged Meeting with a Russian intelligence agent.

Only an interested student?

The order you should have received directly from a former Russian Deputy, the U.S. Treasury Department because of alleged Links to the Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin with sanctions. Butina was taken in July. Her lawyer argued that she was only an American politics student, it is important to improve relations between Washington and Moscow.

for weeks the public Prosecutor and the defence had indicated in court documents that they negotiated and a possible understanding in the criminal proceedings closer. The allegations against Butina have nothing to do with the investigation of special investigator Robert Mueller about a Russian intervention in the US election in 2016.

case Butina: A capture against the approach?, 24.07.2018 Russian in USA arrested 17.07.18 Atlas |USA |Washington D. C. your opinion –

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