Daniel Nyqvist is in prison, suspected of murder, then, on the 9th of June, in the year of.

on the Morning of October 19, 2004 actors: Anna-Lena Svensson, 56, and Mohammed Ammouri, the 8, to the point of death. At the age of 16, went to Daniel, michael Nyqvist, around the bar and on the secret before he was found, with the help of the släktforskaren Daniel Sjölunds of DNA profiling.

Daniel Nyqvist is a lawyer, and in the interrogations by the police, confessed that he had killed them, but in spite of this request the Prosecutor Britt-Louise Viklund, extended åtalstid.

”the Investigation is extensive and will amount to approximately 2 200 pages. Therefore, the need considerable period of time for the slutdelgivning, and for the review and the decision of the åtalsfrågan,” is it possible, that the reading of the petition.

Furthermore, the type kammaråklagaren to häktningsrestriktionerna of michael Nyqvist’s claim, which means that he is able to read newspapers and magazines, and is allowed to have contact with people outside the detention centre.
Can’t be sentenced to go to prison.

Earlier in July, went through Nyqvist, a psychiatric, who showed that he is in the mordtillfället was suffering from a mental disorder. This means that he will not be sentenced to imprisonment if the court finds him guilty as charged.

“It’s not that big of a surprise that they have come to the conclusion that this result is based on the nature of the crime it is, and that is what has come out of the investigation,” said prosecutor Britt-Louise Viklund for the Gp in July as well.

Police at the scene after the double murder in 2004.Photo by: – SVEN LINDWALL the Subject is known,

The interrogations by the police, Daniel Nyqvist, talked about their motivations behind the attacks. However, neither the police or the public prosecutor has told, what the 37-year-old has been identified as an explanation.

“He has made a declaration to us, but we haven’t gone out with it yet,” said Britt-Louise Viklund, actor, at the TT in June.

READ MORE: : Daniel Nyqvists’s own words about her childhood, LEARN MORE: in the News: Daniel Nyqvist is a serious mental disorder. READ MORE: : Daniel Nyqvist in the new inquiry: ”is Not empty” READ MORE: : michael Nyqvist, isolated out – months before the mordenSD profile: Women say that I am ruled by the men of of the SD’s Ebba, Sweden, may 24, in an interview.

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