A year can be an eternity. At least when it comes to all the time to dispute. And, it is so in the case of the Grand coalition, Grand coalition? She fights for and creates nothing? Far from it. It is better than its reputation. Or, an allusion to the great event of a dispute, to the beginning: The Negative in Ma(a)Shen.

Of the 140 projects – after a year (!) – only 40 still not in work. Including such things as a more free admission to museums, the Federal government subsidises. But the Rest of that will be ploughed through – and 40 projects are already finished. Done.

for Example: The mothers ‘ pension has been tightened, expanded, the right to family reunification for refugees is restricted permanently, the rental price brake. Employers have to pay as much for health insurance as employees, with the return of part-time into full-time applicable law. More money is done for the nursing staff in hospitals and homes for the elderly, for child care, for the construction of children. Here is a lot of money.

the refugee policy, it has become quiet

Yes, that’s right, a fight. So, the basic pension, which the SPD is particularly important – not by far. The immigration act will also lead to debates. How the climate protection act, the environment Minister, Svenja Schulze, the Union tormenting her because she wants to, the departments of Housing and transport, economy and agriculture to make a contribution.

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Only the refugee policy leads to a large noise because the number of arrivals of asylum-seekers in Germany. Since it’s not so bad that anchor malls only one in Bavaria as a model. And that it is a rejection of the Bavarian-Austrian border.

It is the classic coalition work

movement in the case of large issues, there are currently, examples of the solos. Whose abolition is provided for the majority of taxpayers, for 90 percent, in the first step, starting in 2021. Since the SPD your Partner Union has signalled, but now that it could go off earlier. Because the Comrades want something? Yes, exactly, restrictions on fixed-term work contracts. That is to say, The trading can begin!

a Classic coalition. And when it comes to TIFF? The thing is, the set of the legendary Christian Heiner Geißler, a Democrat: politics is not a singing club harmony. She lives by the distinctness of the parties and, therefore, certainly from the opposition. Geißler was a reason why Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, today, the Chancellor-in-waiting, entered into the CDU.

Merkel may still Merit bars

Speaking of the Chancellor: her name is still Angela Merkel. And should not now try, just out of the office wegzudiffundieren. Or to do so, as you would have to do with politics, nothing to, from the climate to the parity law, the promotion of women. It is their policy! Who was that Minister? Who Is Environment Minister? Who was 18 years CDU-Chairman? Who is 13 years Chancellor? A vote of no confidence against themselves and against the Background of, well, bizarre.

on The contrary, if you really want to, there is still some Merit to it. There are still 40 projects, and to bring not only small, through Parliament. Which means that the coalition has to govern under the leadership of the Chancellor and not to each other may react. Here is a key management task is waiting to be perceived. Can’t delegate.

your reputation, this government could work

but discard if the task is perceived as a burden. In the crisis, Hölderlin, the fact that the Saving is also found. Whether or not a “Jamaica coalition” or a question of faith deliberately lost, so that there are elections – there is nothing in the policy is for eternity. This year, through this, without all the time to dispute, so that would be for the Union, the SPD and the country is already won. Because the coalition is, of the thing seen, better than their reputation. You can work Yes.