For 40 years, abortion in Italy is legal. However, a majority of Doctors refuse the procedure. Also, the policy is massively against abortion.
Livia is a petite, not very tall. With big brown eyes the Roman see in the world. She is currently writing her PhD in physics, would you trust many at first glance.
Livia was 19 years old when she has an abortion. However, this was not made easy.
But if they told of what they experienced a few years ago, her voice a bit shaky. Livia has an abortion. She was 19 at the time and had to think for a moment – your decision immediately.
But until she could actually have an abortion, passed almost three months. “There is a strong political will to make the abortion easy. You’re forced to make the changes in your body to see the method.”
70 percent of Doctors reject abortion ab
For 40 years, there is a law in Italy that allows abortions in the first 90 days. The basis for the abortion a consultation, and then a seven day cooling off period. However, as orderly as that sounds, it does not expire in practice.
Because the law allows doctors to have an abortion for reasons of conscience refuse. And, more and more gynecologists and anesthesiologists make in Italy. The national average is 70 percent.
abortion in Italy – back to the middle ages
mirror of the world, 22.02.2019, Ellen Trapp, BR Rome
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