Three and a half days that can change the world. Can, mind you. This is not secure. There is still a lot needs to be done. But that 190 Catholic is a burden that a carrier had to listen to in the Vatican in eight languages and eleven working groups, such as the “Monster” abuse their moral integrity eats is a start.

The end of the meeting, may only be a degree. Because the Monster must be combated and defeated. Precisely what, even so martial: By the abuse of those who have opened their souls, full of trust in God, has sinned, the Catholic Church in an egregious degree. Everything that is done against Conscience is sin, says St. Thomas Aquinas. And then, the Church has imposed the law of silence, that it acts mafiös.

The perpetrators are of the devil

A shame. A Perversion of the commandment of love of neighbor. A blasphemy by self-denial, full consciousness of the actions. The perpetrators are to be condemned of the devil – but on this world. Who has sold out to the people, great and small, women, and men, heard by the court. Even those who wanted to cover, heard dismissed, without delay, and unforgiving. All dioceses need to check and from the outside. The Church itself needs to do everything it can to convict their perpetrators. It is time for a new diocesan administrative jurisdiction.

as it is, it is in the Catholic Church.Photo: Evandro Inetti/Zuma/dpa

And even more. Where male clergy, and often also older, all the Power to unite and have to Say, is not change to be expected. However, those who expressed remorse, to do penance. The Penitent knows that repentance is repentance and a new beginning, in this case, with large changes in. The Francis declared “Zero tolerance” must not be only an announcement. The Church is not law, the law of Moses tables.

so, It’s a different sexual morality, the ordination of women, the abolition of compulsory celibacy, a real separation of powers in the Catholic Church. The “System Church” must be after “9/11”, as Curia Bishop Georg Gänswein be Done with reference to the attacks of September 11. September 2001, called to be blown up. The German Catholic bishops should do a good work and brave progress. Cardinal Reinhard Marx, with his words of hope.

Church must humbly Happens to be

all of this will grow the disappointment of the faithful; it is dangerous. Church, not alone the Catholic, must assert itself in an increasingly secular world. Not least due to the applied humility, which is square to the great enlightener Immanuel Compare its value with the moral perfection. This is the scale.

The cries of the victims, especially since the may to justice, not fade. Responsibility, accountability, transparency: good words, good intentions and a commitment that continues. The Meeting in the Vatican to act over three and a half days, in addition, you must set it as a Council of a process and reason lead to more lasting change.

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Anti-abuse summit at the Vatican, Pope Francis disappointed the victims ‘ representatives

Behind the recognition of its own fallibility, no one back, even in the absence of the Pope. Otherwise, not only the Roman Curia but of the Church as a whole is on shaky ground. And not alone the Catholic.