collusion increases the Migration control instead of Inches: US journalists are skeptical about whether a President trump Deal with Mexico is really a huge success. Again, he has used tariffs as a means of pressure.

The Twitter messages to the US President to reach the weekly review of the US public broadcaster PBS in the middle of the show. Donald Trump has just announced that it had agreed with Mexico on a stricter immigration control. For Monday, threatened punitive duties would be suspended, therefore, “for an indefinite period of time”.

in Mexico, said the US President, have said in favour of strong measures to limit the immigration on the southern border of the United States.

invited newspaper journalists in the Studio of PBS are skeptical. “The Tweets we have read all the just, remind me a little of the one he has sent after the Singapore summit with Kim Jong-Un,” says Mark Landler. “At the time, it was said that he had solved the nuclear Problem with North Korea.”

Landler reported for the New York Times from the White house and is one of the journalistic favorite opponents of the President. Describes the leaf as a deadbeat newspaper. “In the Nuclear-armed nothing was then, of course, but clarified. I’m curious about the small print in this case: How to implement the Mexicans really do that?”, Landler asks.