Who would have thought? The CDU, just full of hope for a recovery, in fact, in the past weeks, with a small, loses again to vote in the election of the people. The President Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer experienced it yourself. Your party is below 30 percent, and you, the new Boss, is again seen less and less as a bearer of hope. Your sympathy levels to fall.
In the Chancellor preference to the Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz of the social Democrats catching up. It’s only three percent, to separate from the ACC. What is of concern to the Christian Democrat, however, because the SPD is in low 16 percent. The Greens are stronger, and beneficiaries of the losses of the CDU. More and more conservative can imagine, to choose Green.
The conservative course of Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer seems to be more to deter than attract. The CDU under Angela Merkel has rates in the past 18 years, but in a more pronounced Fashion, in a sense, the social democratic Union, is moving, as it wanted to have the Conservative true. Major changes in the basic attitude does not lead to more Conservative won as a Moderate will be lost.
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the Forsa poll to AKK CDU leader loses with voters clearly in the consent
to sum up: at Present, 30 per cent for the CDU is already a nice result. Whether it will ever again, decides a comrade – comrade Trend. And is as fickle as the SPD.