For most people, it will be a true nightmare to be imprisoned for something you haven’t done. For Richard Jones (42) was the nightmare reality.

Sat 17 years behind bars, and turn the

In the 17 years he sat behind the lock and turn, convicted of having robbed an elderly woman outside a shopping mall in Kansas City. The lady was fraranet their mobile phone.

In the aftermath of the heist pointed to an elderly lady out Richard Jones as the perpetrator, despite the fact that he said that he was visiting his girlfriend when the heist took place.

Jones was found guilty and was sentenced to 19 years in prison. It may sound like much, but the reason was that he had also been convicted several times previously.

In the prison was, who stubbornly claimed his innocence, constantly told by others that it was another man in the prison that was sticky like him. Not only that: They had the same first name also.

Jones gave information to the lawyers in the Midwest Innocence Projecty, which began to dig into the matter in 2015.

Found doppelganger

They succeeded in locating Jones’ doppelganger, and found at the same time that the bottom stayed only a few kilometres from the ransstedet.

When I saw the photo of the bottom of my, so fell all in place, said Jones.

On the basis of the new information, there was a hearing in Johnson County District Court.

Witnesses, both ransofferet and others, said that when they looked at the pictures of the two men so they could no longer say that Jones was the culprit.

Spent 18 years in prison for the rape and murder of 15-year-old – now he is acquitted

the Bottom testified also at the hearing, and he denied any involvement with the heist.

Judge Kevin Jones did not go so far as to say that the bottom was the perpetrator, but stated that based on the new information could no reasonable jury member have convicted Jones. Thus, he was released.

district attorney Steve Howe described the case as “one of the most bizarre scenarios I have ever seen in my 27 years as a prosecutor”.

” We were stunned when we saw how much they resembled each other. Everyone has a doppelganger. Fortunately we found his, said Jones defends Alice Craig.

Get the replacement

In september last year sought Richard Jones about a replacement in just over nine million for the years he put behind the lock and turn. Jones defender described the funds as “relatively small given the unimaginable suffering,” it is to sit innocently imprisoned for 17 years.

They took a large part of my life from me. Now I am trying just to get my life back, ” said Jones to the New York Times.

And, as a result of a new law for people who have been wrongly convicted, he is now the replacement he asked for, writes CNN.

– In this case, it was possible, given the existing documentation, to resolve all problems quickly, satisfy all the requirements of the law and come to a consensus about this outcome, so that mr. Jones can receive what he is entitled to because he was wrongly convicted, says in a statement from the attorney general, Derek Schmidt.

In addition to millionbeløpet get Jones a certificate that shows that he is innocent. All documentation in the case, both arrestasjonsdokumenter and judgment shall be removed and biological samples that are related to the case shall be destroyed.

When it comes to Jones doppelganger so he can not be charged with the heist, then the limitation period has expired.

Jones defender, Alice Craig, has previously stated that his client still does not have any uoppgjort with the bottom.

– I do not believe it, for it is not his fault that this happened, but we believe it is he who stood behind this. He has never admitted to being robbed and I think Jones is a little disappointed that he didn’t confessed, ” said Craig.

Richard sat 17 years in prison for robbery. Released after that the bottom his were found