In the middle of the day and completely unexpectedly, the push notification arrives on the smartphone: “You have two minutes to post your “BeReal” and see what your friends are doing.” This notification summarizes the concept of the relatively young and popular social media app “BeReal” actually go well together.

“BeReal” wants to show real life, authentically, spontaneously and without filters. In 2022, “BeReal” was one of the most downloaded apps in both the Apple App Store and Google Play. The network wants to be different than Instagram or Tiktok. Can this work? Or are there also criticisms of “BeReal”?

But let’s start at the beginning: The platform was founded in 2020 by Alexis Barreyat in France to stay in touch with friends. “It’s a place where real life is captured,” writes the company. “BeReal” wants to be an alternative to other networks that fuel social comparisons and do anything but connect people.

Once a day, users receive a notification on their smartphone that they can now post their daily photo, also known as “BeReal”. This is what the community standards of the network provide for. The special features: You have two minutes for it and it is not just a simple photo. Instead, photos are taken simultaneously with the front and rear cameras. A selfie can be seen later, but also a photo of the surroundings.

And only when you have uploaded your photo combo do the “BeReals” of your own contacts become visible. If you don’t react immediately to the push notification, you can still post your “BeReal” at a later point in time. But then it is marked with the addition “late”, i.e. “late”. The app also shows how many times you tried before you finally uploaded a photo combo.

“This marks a kind of rule violation, if you will,” says art and cultural scientist Katja Gunkel from the Goethe University in Frankfurt. Labeling how late a “BeReal” was posted and how many attempts it took someone to do so could lead to stigmatization.

“The impression can arise: ‘Obviously you won’t get it right the first time.’ This can result in a form of shaming,” says the research assistant at the Institute for Art Education, where she conducts research in the field of new media. Although the app started with the idea of ​​taking pressure off, it builds up so much pressure.

While platforms like Instagram are criticized for the fact that users and influencers often present their lives there as too staged, “BeReal” shows a different form of uniformity: “The fact that I really notice the push notification only happens at times when I’m latently idle, be it on the way to work or on the couch,” says Gunkel.

Therefore, pictures of people who do not have a lot to do at the moment can often be seen. “In moments of extreme involvement, where you are really present, you will never feel embarrassed to use ‘BeReal’, but then it will always be ‘Late’,” explains scientist Gunkel.

In addition, “BeReal” requires a different approach to smartphone cameras, because you have to control your own face and your surroundings at the same time to take a picture.

Because of such insights, some of which are very private, users should think carefully about what they want to show, despite the time pressure, recommends Dominik Rudolph from the State Office for Communication (LFK) in Baden-Württemberg. The LFK offers the youth advice center “” online, where you can also find many tips for using “BeReal”.

“BeReal” is approved by the provider for ages 13 and up. Rudolph points out that after registration, there is no check as to whether the age information is correct. Therefore, the commitment of parents or legal guardians is essential.

You could first get an impression of the app yourself and then create a profile together with the child, advises LFK spokesman Rudolph. Talk to older children about the risks of the app.

In addition, it makes sense to only share your own “BeReals” with your friends and not to make them public (discovery mode). In this mode, you have no control over who can see the content, Rudolph warns. Another important point, especially for children and young people, is to deactivate the location. This way you can prevent others from seeing your whereabouts.

Last but not least, users should always pay attention to their own well-being. Does “BeReal” lead to permanent stress? In this case, Dominik Rudolph advises: “Then the app is not good for you and should be deleted.”