Russia faces new spying allegations faced. Norwegian fishermen have reported last weekend that in front of the coast of Finnmark, a Weisswal (Beluga) during several days around your boat sponge, and even rubbed.

Fischer Joar Hest holds the strap to the camera. (Image: Keystone/Jørgen Ree Wiig)

The fishermen noticed that the whale had tied a belt. It turned out that it was a “specially-made” strap that you can attach a camera. After several attempts, they managed the fishermen to free the cod fillets lured the animal from the tight tightened the belt. On the inner side of the belt Equipment of St. Petersburg “(St.-Petersburg) it is written”.

The whale wants to be close to the fishing boat. (Image: Keystone/Jørgen Ree Wiig)

Audun Rikardsen, a Professor at the Arctic University in Tromsø, told a Norwegian newspaper “Verdens Gang”, that it was a domesticated animal that was accustomed to get food, “therefore, it has visited, probably, the fisherman.”

But Rikardsen also said that neither Norwegian nor Russian marine researchers anbrächten such belt to whales; its Russian colleagues therefore suggests a connection to the Russian military – the animal came most likely from the naval base of Murmansk. The speculation that the Weiswal had been used for spying purposes – a floating Agent Putin’s nourished.

The Russian experts, however, pointed out that the whale was probably hardly been used by the military. Rather, it is possible that the animal had been used for scientific purposes in the Baltic sea or the smugglers was to escape, said the military historian Yuri Knutow the Russian TV channel “360 degrees”. “It would be really been used by the military, knew the Western press, and Nato certainly of which”, so Knutow. The spying allegations he called “a deliberate provocation in the direction of Moscow.”

In a Moscow radio station that the military representatives of Viktor Baranez to put: Russia’s use of dolphins for war purposes, he said. Whales, such as the one shown in the service of the Russian Navy, but he thought for nonsense. The “combat dolphins” are in a military centre on the black sea Peninsula of Crimea. “We make no secret,” Baranez. They are trained to examine the sea floor or the mines on war to track ships. Other countries also took advantage of the dolphins in this way. The is absolutely nothing Unusual.

But that is not the spying allegations of a speculative fallacy, proven by the Russian news Agency Interfax, which quoted the Director of the Institute for ecology questions Evolution: This stated that the Russian military is indeed working with Beluga whales. As an example, he cited the 2014 winter Olympic games in Sochi, where white whales were used.

Martin Bluw, marine mammal researcher at the Norwegian Institute of marine research, stressed to CNN that any statement about the intended purpose of the whale “pure speculation”, but added: “We know that the Russian military trained during the Cold war, Belugas, in order to make mines or old torpedoes.”

jumped over the wall, or on a Mission? (Image: Keystone/Jørgen Ree Wiig)

According to the Interfax in St. Petersburg, an institution that works with the military in the exploration of animals “for application purposes,” both in the Black sea as well as in Murmansk. There is no confirmation that they would be used for reconnaissance. The Agency suspected that the whale had just gotten out.

Professor Rikardsen held back with accusations in the direction of Moscow: Maybe someone have tried, to train the whale, he said. After the whale was freed from his harness, he swam a few laps around the fishing boat, and then pulled out. The question is now, whether or not the whale alone in the ocean clear, Rikardsen.

Russia closes notorious “whale jail”

a number of Orca and Beluga whales were held in a port town in the East of the country caught up. The “whale jail” designated system caused a lot of criticism. (Video: Tamedia/Material of Masha Netrebenko via Facebook (editor-in-Tamedia)

Created: 30.04.2019, 10:54 PM