“Anders kraft’s statement in TV4 evokes reactions”

“TV4:s Anders Kraft: ”I wanted to shake a little””

“yesterday, During the ”Cold facts” highlighted TV4 problem that many swedes feel discriminated against because of skin color or ethnicity. “

“In the news bulletin after the programme, told the news anchor Anders Force of their own prejudices. “

“– If I see blond guys drive around in a big, expensive “Merca” I think I spoiled skitungar running dad’s car. If I see a young dark-skinned guys drive around in a similar car, I think criminal, ” he says in the broadcast. “

“Yesterday’s ”Cold facts” in TV4 was about how a large number of swedes feeling discriminated against because of skin color or ethnicity. “

“In the news bulletin after the programme lifted the roach, peter Anders Force, 50, up the subject again and told me that he himself engaged in ”racial profiling” – something that has attracted the reactions of the viewers. “

“– If I see blond guys drive around in a big, expensive ”Merca” (Mercedes ed.) I think I spoiled skitungar running dad’s car. If I see a young dark-skinned guys drive around in a similar car, I am thinking of the criminal. It means that I rasprofilerar. There’s nothing I’m proud of, but unlike the Swedish police, so I admit that I do it, ” he says in the broadcast. “

“the Statement has been made aware of, including Twitter, where a user writes:”

“”How appropriate is it for a journalist to say this about racial profiling? (Know that the phenomenon is supervanligt o not makes one a racist, etc.). But is it just me who is surprised over the ’honesty’ here at Anders ‘ Force?””

“I have great respect for Anders Power that is honest and says straight out how he thinks! Dare to talk, even if it can be wrong! Dare to ask questions! Dare to admit you have prejudices instead of to be silent! It is so combat prejudices,” writes another. “

“the Anders Effect on the statement of TV4”

“To Nöjesbladet, tells Anders Force about why he chose to speak as he did. “

” I wanted to shed light on the structures that often are difficult to discover and I feel that I am a part of. The question is important, and that element is precisely about that part of the problem is that we do not see or acknowledge the structures, and then are not able to do anything about them, ” he says. “

“It is a subjective statement in a role where you will be impartial. How does that add up?”

” I think the viewers understand that it was meant to shake a little in order to arouse the viewers in a major issue. I believe that the objectivity and impartiality can withstand it.”

“Anders Force believes that the statement is completely the opposite of racist, and that it is not contrary to TV4’s policy of nolltelerans against racism. “

“– Nollrasism for me doesn’t mean that you don’t talk about difficult things, on the contrary, highlights the shortcomings in order to be able to do something about them. “