Ten trees, ten panels on which the names of nine of the murdered immigrants and a policewoman from: Chancellor Angela Merkel , has laid down on Monday in the Saxon town of Zwickau, a white Rose to commemorate the victims of the extreme right-wing terrorist group national socialist underground (NSU). The NSU-Trio had lived for eleven years undetected in Zwickau, and from there a trail of blood through the Republic of pulled. In 2011, the NSU flew on, to the day, eight years ago. “It is not our job, that something like this happens again,” said Merkel.
The Chancellor responded to your visit to events, had startled in October, the whole of Germany. A young oak tree, reminiscent of Enver Simsek, the first victim of the NSU, was sawed off from the Unknown. The tree had been in the previous month, planted, as a prelude to a planned Gedenkhains with a total of ten trees. The artist placed a memorial bench in the same place. A few days later, it was destroyed. The state security took up the investigations, so far without success.
scene is self-conscious
The double desecration not only shook Zwickau, but the whole country. The new Nazis demonstrated their contempt for the victims, said Barbara John, Ombudswoman for the relatives, but also, “that you approve of murder as a means of politics.” In June, a neo – Nazi was murdered in Kassel, Germany, a politician in a targeted manner- he was the first such act in Germany since 1945. Before and after that so many politicians had been of right-wing extremists, threatened with death as never before. The scene will always be self-conscious, say the authorities.
The memorial grove is a sign of hope and a reminder, for democracy and tolerance.
In Zwickau, a city with 100’000 inhabitants, to me the attacks for the first time, the previously indifferent middle of the society. 100 high school students gathered for a spontaneous minute’s silence. You should not allow in Zwickau, the Nazis had to Say, said the 17-year-old Jacob spring field. The city promised, the memorial to rebuild, and gained 14’000 euros, 300 citizens demonstrated against right-wing extremism.
last Sunday, one day before Merkel’s visit, dedicated to Zwickau together with 450 visitors to the new memorial a. “We show that the NSU is part of the Zwickau’s history,” said mayor Pia Findeiss (SPD). The memorial grove is a sign of hope and a reminder, for democracy and tolerance.
dispute wreath on the AfD
However, it came in the Celebration to a whole series of miss tones. The relatives of the NSU victims complained, they would have known of the inauguration of, nor had been invited. In addition, some of the names of the Turkish victims were plaques on the memorial incorrectly written, in German, without the Turkish special characters. And finally, there was because of a ring gear, the local my AfD even scuffles. A woman removed the wreath with the Argument that a party which is itself rather extreme ideas spread, mocking thus not only the victims. The police detained the woman because of “property damage” and left for the first, as the amount of this began.
Also how it goes with the memorial once the party of the Chancellor and the other Celebrities is removed, remains open. To prevent any further desecration of cemeteries, the trees and the boards in the guarded front hand around the clock. How necessary this is, shows an Overview of each: In five of the eight cities in which you intend to the public of the NSU victims were registered in the past years, attacks, sometimes several in a row. And not only in the East in Zwickau and Rostock, but also in Kassel, Nuremberg and Heilbronn.
Created: 04.11.2019, 19:27 PM