The two betrothed lovebirds Anne Linnet and Kathrine Kjær have taken a big step towards tosomheden.

After a year as lovers move together in an apartment in inner Copenhagen.

The writing Here and Now.

The 27-year law students Kathrine Kjær shared last week on Instagram a picture of their new living room with the caption: ‘Who do you think has decorated our new home – Anne or me?’.

the Couple’s new apartment, 174 square meters, distributed in five rooms, is situated at a prime address in the fashionable part of Copenhagen at Sankt Annæ Plads.

Thus, the couple has only a short stroll to the Amalienborg palace, the promenade Larsen’s Space and the Playhouse.

Also has a number of other well-known settled down in the area, among other Ole Henriksen and his husband, Laurence, who right now is in the process of rehabilitating their apartment.

Kathrine Kjær type in a message to the Ekstra Bladet, the pair have lived together since march of Anne Linnets 544 square feet house on Christianshavn.

Anne Linnet and Kathrine Kjær is planning to hold a wedding the summer of 2019. Photo: Les Kaner
the 65-year-old Anne Linnet bought the house through his company in 1999 and sold it subsequently in 2006, to itself private for 4.650.000 crowns. The public assessment of the property sounds on 8.450.000.

Although the historical building dating from 1801 have many square meters, is the couple extremely happy to have found an apartment together.

‘we so excited’, writes Kathrine Kjær on their new place.

‘It is a great apartment with very soul. It was probably the reason why it was the’ she adds.

Anne Linnet and Kathrine Kjær travel to Iceland in the autumn aired Kathrine Kjær his dreams of settling in a small house, embraced by the island’s beautiful scenery.

Despite the romantic idea failed Kathrine Kjær to persuade Anne Linnet to move away from the mainland, where the Linnets children.

Anne Linnet has not answered Ekstra inquiries. She is touring right now with his julekoncerter with the songs from the album ‘I am here’.

In the early summer of the next year appearing Anne Linnet again. This time with Lis Sørensen, Sanne Salomonsen.