in The evening he was still with the football world Cup, the next Morning, Michael Müller (SPD) was a guest in the Smart Data Forum at the Heinrich-Hertz-Institute in Berlin-Charlottenburg. There the mayor gave a preview of the year 2019.

as a result, the Senate wants to continue under his leadership, the course of the re-municipalisation of housing. The current approach in the Karl-Marx-Allee will not be the last project of this kind, Müller – on the contrary. Specifically, he brought to the Deutsche Wohnen sold holdings of the GSW to the conversation. “This is a huge area of apartments, we would like to have back in our possession,” said Miller. Talks with Deutsche Wohnen should be included, even if the communication with the company was currently “difficult”.

15000 new dwellings in the year

in addition to the return of municipal dwellings had to be continued the construction of new homes and purchase former. “The art is, the number of 15,000 new flats per year to stabilize,” said Miller. He pointed to a significant increase in the number of building permits, as well as the actually-built apartments in recent years. It was clear, however, that these successes would not have been possible without the commitment and co-operation with private investors, says Müller.

In addition, Müller praised the Act of 2016, the elected coalition of SPD, Left and Greens. Berlin was a “booming metropolis” that continues to grow. The rate to stabilize, should be encouraged and the social cohesion of the city to be secured. The fees from kindergarten to University is one of the measures to relieve the people in concrete terms.

“Completely absurd”

criticism came promptly from Christoph Meyer, FDP, via Twitter: “If this is the right way? The Problem in Berlin is that it’s not about the apartments that are available and not the one that will not be built.” Meyer’s party colleague and home Affairs spokesperson of the FDP parliamentary group in the house of representatives, Sibylle master, called the plans Miller’s “completely absurd”. “For the billions that would have to take Michael Müller in the Hand, could be built so many new apartments,” said the master. They warned that the announcements Miller – could have an impact in conjunction with a debate about the possible expropriation of private enterprises – a negative impact on the investment climate in the city.

Christian Gräff, housing policy spokesman of the CDU parliamentary group, said: “For me, Michael Müller is an announcement by the mayor. The Situation for the tenant.” Gräff and master estimated the buyback of the approximately 60,000 former GSW apartments purchase price due at five to eight billion euros. “Where is the money?” Gräff asked. Kristin Brinker, Deputy AfD Chairman, ranted on Twitter: “Instead of investing in the construction of new housing and create new housing, buy a red-Red-Green to maximum prices, crumbling stock objects. Negligent clientele policy instead of sensible Realpolitik.”

Start-Ups to the city of bind

Michael Müller, 54, is since December 2014, the governing mayor in Berlin. Prior to that, he was for many years Senator for urban development, transport and the environment in Berlin. In his current role as a science Senator, he stressed on Friday the importance of science for the city. The Heinrich-Hertz-Institute (HHI), in which he was charged, was for him an example of how a traditional institution makes the leap into the digital age and this largely continue to be. In fact, the Director of HHI has developed, for example, the data compression for video clips that allows you to play on Smartphones. Crucial for 2019 will be, however, as the Berlin Unis cut off with their joint application in the final round of the excellence initiative. “Here, we want to be successful,” said Müller. He announced new proposals for the design of the health city of Berlin. In medicine, it had to be the claim, “to play a visible role”. For Start-Ups promoting their growth should be amplified phase – in order for this not to be founded in Berlin, but in the long term to stay in the city.

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apartments in the Karl-Marx-Allee repurchases could Gewobag 100 million Euro cost

Robert Kiesel

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