According to their own statements, the nature conservation associations BUND and Nabu have filed a lawsuit with the Federal Administrative Court against the amended planning approval decision for crossing the Elbe on the A20. As justification, they stated on Monday that the Ministry of Transport in Kiel had also neglected climate-damaging effects in the new plan amendment and supplementary decision. The affected section 8 leads from Glückstadt to Drochtersen in Lower Saxony.

Transport Minister Claus Ruhe Madsen (independent) said: “We have been looking for a dialogue with the nature conservation associations for years – and in the end there are usually complaints.” Schleswig-Holstein needs an intact infrastructure without the bottleneck Hamburg. The A20 is also needed to attract investors. Alternative drives and sustainability are also possible on the road.

The A20 is likely to be the most thoroughly examined infrastructure project in Germany under nature conservation law, said Madsen and emphasized: He is convinced that the Deges planning company has thoroughly examined all relevant aspects and that the Office for Planning Approval has weighed up all interests correctly: “That’s why we assume that the new plan approval decision will stand up in court.”

The BUND state chairwoman Claudia Bielfeldt demanded that “the climate-damaging effects of new motorways must now urgently be put to the test and ongoing projects must be put back until the results can be analyzed”. From the point of view of Nabu state manager Ingo Ludwichowski, the A20 is one of the most climate-damaging motorway projects in Germany: “This not only applies to the considerable use of moors, which actually have to be renatured for climate protection reasons.” It is also about the consumption of considerable amounts of concrete.

The associations refer to the Climate Protection Act and a related decision of the Federal Constitutional Court of 2021. According to this, there is a legal obligation to determine all climate-damaging effects of the planned motorway and to take them into account with great weight.