so Far only serve to calculations as evidence of Black holes in the universe. Now, astronomers present the first recording of a previously unseen object, proving Einstein’s theory of relativity.

at the same Time as made in six locations around the Globe, astronomers a unique recording of a Black hole. The researchers of the project the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) for the image of two cosmic objects to the visor.

One of the objects is Sagittarius A*, a supermassive black hole, presumably located in the center of the milky way. It has four million solar masses and is located about 26.000 light years from the earth.

to catch a glimpse of a black hole, and to improve the image quality, researchers have radio telescopes in Hawaii, closed in Arizona, Spain, Mexico, Chile and the South pole to a global network.

views to the centre of the milky way

With a conventional telescope can be Sagittarius A* is not spot. The visible light must be achieved by half of the milk road trips, to the earth. On the road it will be attenuated by cosmic dust is so strong that even on the shots of the Hubble space telescope is nothing. Astronomers are looking with radio telescopes to the center of the milky way.

the image quality, the researchers radio telescopes in Hawaii, Arizona, Spain, Mexico, Chile and the South pole to a global network. In the project, the European southern Observatory ESO, which has its headquarters in Garching near Munich is involved.

another object that have examined the astronomers, is located in the center of the giant galaxy M87 – it’s supposed to be a black hole that has the 1500-times the mass of Sagittarius A*. It is located about 55 million light-years from earth, its gigantic size makes it a good object of observation.