Quickly out and in again, the can in the new Federal asylum centre (BAZ) on the Duttweiler Area none. A group of young men who want to this afternoon, beginning of week home, waved to the Entrance gate straight into the angle to the body control. Empty pockets, scanning, receipts to show. Goods without receipts are confiscated by the Securitas. You carry pepper spray on yourself. You could compare it with the security checks at the entrance of an ice hockey matches, says a staff member of the Secretariat of state for Migration (SEM). With the difference that here you can watch no game.

a critique of the torture Commission

last week, the SEM was in the criticism. Employees and residents of the asylum centre, to be referred to the security concept as too stringent: “It’s like a prison here”, said an Afghan Boy to TA (read more about the “intolerable conditions”). The reason for the excitement of the systematic safety checks carried out each time you return to the center are especially. Children also need to regularly have a full body search on himself. In the Zurich test centers Juch and hall 9 of the safety order was carried out less strictly – in most cases a mere presence was enough control.

In the test centres in the asylum organization Zurich (AOZ) for safety and care was responsible. On the Duttweiler Area, the SEM took over. This relies on professional security companies and in order to be visible more and more Repression: a security’s with pepper spray, and puncture-proof vests instead of social work vest in light.

The terrace surface remains unused. Photo: Dominique meien Berger

The city Council of Zurich Raphael Golta (SP) criticized last week, the strict Security arrangements, harsh (you can read about here). He demanded from the SEM that the current state “will improved as soon as possible”. Goltas criticism is surprising, especially since already known, such as the existing Federal centres in Switzerland are organized. In the meantime, the city Council sounds conciliatory: “We expect that we will find a common solution,” says Golta on request.

It is not the first Time that the SEM is criticized for dealing with asylum seekers. The National Commission for the prevention of torture (NKVF) investigated up to the end of 2018, eleven asylum accommodation in Switzerland, including four Federal asylum centres. She came to the conclusion that “in principle, a human – and fundamental rights-compliant accommodation” rule.

The detailed criticism was less sympathetic, for example, which relates to physical searches. The NKVF recommended that the existing practice. The SEM should dispense with searches of children, in adults, the body checks have to be made only in the Presence of a concrete suspicion. The NKVF referring inter alia to the existing European Convention on human rights. Further, the anti-torture Commission recommended that a reduced use of chemical irritant (pepper spray), improved access to psychiatric care or to the development of the concept, with the vulnerable refugees – victims of human trafficking, for example – at an early stage can be identified. The Bring your own food should not in principle be prohibited.


What is striking in the operation of the newly opened Federal asylum centre threatens: The majority of the recommendations of the anti-torture Commission has not been implemented by the SEM. A concept for vulnerable people currently being worked out, said spokesman Daniel Bach on request. Otherwise, the SEM see no reason to change to the safety rules a little. “They have proven themselves in many years of operation.” The NKVF has no means to make their recommendations to the authorities to enforce. Managing Director Sandra Imhof continues to dialogue – just what the unnecessary body checks of children, relates: “We have a difference with the SEM, we are trying to clean up.”

Little bit of privacy: Standard 6-room without curtains. Photo: Dominique Meienberg

“It is unfortunate that the SEM implements the recommendations of the NKVF, apparently,” said Reto Rufer, Amnesty International. The need for Control of the SEM in the Federal asylum centres is very high. “In the inhabitants the feeling to be under constant suspicion of criminality arises in this way.” There is the risk of an escalation spiral was A very rigid Regime to generate more voltage in the case of asylum seekers, which provoke additional security measures, the fear of callers. The city of Zurich carried out Test operations have shown that it is also different: “The operation worked, apparently also with less control and regulations.”

there is also a national councillor Balthasar Glättli (GPS) is Disappointed. He had used at the time for a fast-track asylum procedures – not necessarily to the delight of his left supporters. “I hoped that the Zurich Federal centre could be a positive role model”, says Glättli. “So that other centres would loosen up their regime.” Now the opposite is The practice in Zürich is adapted to the existing Federal asylum centres. “The Regime is massively rigid”, says Glättli. He wanted to in Zurich, a Federal asylum centre, “no Federal asylum prison”.

stolen goods and drugs?

SVP national Council member Barbara stone man speaks of an artificial excitement that will be generated ums Federal asylum centre. “I have the impression that the city Council Golta provides intentionally for eddy to bring his left voters in a Position to the city Bureau.” It was reasonable that the security operation will be exercised by companies which are specialized. From time to time, asylum seekers smuggle drugs in the property. In a single or even stolen items to cases. “I trust these security people,” says Steinemann. “Have a good sense for possible dangers.” The AOZ is a support and not a security company. “The can be glad that you received the support order.”

Currently, there are around 160 asylum-seekers, 31 of whom are children living in the accommodation, 36 unaccompanied minors. The BAZ for 360 residents. The construction is practical. One of the city-designed modular building, between 15 and 25 years of age, he should hold. The walls are made of white-painted chipboard, the clothes Cover non. It is cool. In the dining room, the heating is not working properly. Typical Children’s Diseases.

The asylum seekers are already busy with other problems. You have authorities, appointments, interviews, legal advice, medical checks, the programme is tight. A young Irakerin and her husband, pushing two buggies from the centre. She visited her mother. “You must not stay, even though I live here,” she says. “Journalists are you? I was even once!”

Created: 19.11.2019, 22:01 Uhr