The Federal government wants to declare Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, as well as Georgia safe countries of Origin. This has not yet happened, because the FDP has been calling for an extension of the list – for example, to India.

The FDP calls on the Federal government to examine many other States are classified as safe countries of origin. “The coalition government has promised, in this legislature, other countries as safe countries of Origin to be classified, if over a number of years less than five per cent of the asylum applicants from these States have been recognised in Germany,” said the migration policy spokeswoman for the FDP in the Bundestag, Linda Teuteberg, “the world”.

The migration policy spokeswoman for the FDP, Linda Teuteberg, wants to perform in India and Moldova, “a full examination”.

Currently, 33 States met this criterion, and 28 of them have had in the past three years according to low recognition rates, Teuteberg. The recognition rate is only an indication of a plurality of and replace is not an in-depth Review of the human rights situation in individual countries.

“In the case of countries like India and Moldova should be a full examination according to the criteria of the Federal constitutional court initiated because a positive decision is particularly likely to be” urged Teuteberg. In the case of a positive result, a corresponding classification can be decided as “safe countries of Origin”, already in 2019.