“At least 222 dead after the tsunami”

“at Least 222 people have died after a tsunami reached the beaches of the sunda strait in Indonesia. “

“On the spot played by the indonesian band Seventeen. The bassist and the band’s tour manager has been confirmed dead. Four other of the band is missing.”

” 843 persons reported to be injured.”

“the Tsunami reached the country during the night between Saturday and Sunday, local time, writes Reuters.”

“In the morning, had the death toll had risen to 222.”

“– 222 people dead, 843 have been injured and 28 people missing, said Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, spokesperson of Indonesia’s national katastrofmyndighet, to the AFP.”

“the Deaths are said to have occurred in Pandeglang, south Jakarta and Serang.”

“According to CNN has over 430 houses and nine hotels were damaged greatly.”

“the Full moon affected the water.”

“thirty people are missing after the tsunami, according to the country’s krismyndighet. Authorities also warns that the number of fatalities may increase.”

“The current full moon makes the water in the area was very high, something which, according to the krismyndigheten may have made to the strength of the wave was very big, reports Reuters. “

“According to the AP was the wall of water 20 metres high.”

“volcanic Eruption is believed to have caused the tsunami”

“the sunda strait, whose shores were reached by the tsunami during the Saturday night, binds Javasjön and the Indian ocean.”

“the Tsunami was probably caused by the eruption of Krakatau, located between Java and Sumatra, has had an outbreak, writes the BBC.”

“the Outbreak lasted for two minutes and twelve seconds and åskmolnet spread 400 metres up in the air above the volcano. People who are in the area it is recommended to keep away from the volcano and no one is allowed to go closer than two kilometres from the crater.”

“People are fleeing from the water.”

“Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, head of the Indonesian krismyndighet, have put up videos on Twitter showing the flooded streets and people fleeing from the water.”

“the pop band played on the beach.”

“Pictures in social media shows how the indonesian pop band Seventeen, who appeared on the beach in Tanjung Lesyng, was caught in the tsunami’s grip. The wave took both the stage, the band and all the equipment toward the audience.”

“After the incident, the band’s bassist and their turnémanager been found dead. Four members of the band are still missing, writes the band in a press release. “

“A few swedes on the spot””

“so far, there are no data on the affected swedes in the area, says the Department of foreign affairs (MFA).”

“We have made the assessment that there are few, if any swedes at all, are in the affected area,” says Diana Qudhaib, presstalesperson at the foreign MINISTRY’s press service.”

“the foreign MINISTRY calls on the swedes in the place to follow local authorities advice and instructions and follow medierapporteringarna. The Swedish embassy in Jakarta is following the developments.”

“because of Indonesia’s geographical location are volcanic eruptions common in the area. As late as in september of this year died in 2000 people, after a volcanic eruption caused a tsunami in Indonesia.”