It would be a first in the Federal Republic of Germany, and there are massive Resistances: In Brandenburg, all parties should be required by law, from 2020 onwards, in the preparation of the national lists for the parliamentary elections a women’s quota of 50 percent to comply with. The design of a Parité-law provides that the fractions of the SPD and the Left on the next Parliament session by the end of January 2019 together with the Greens want to adopt, of which the initiative for the law was assumed. With an Amendment to the SPD and Left with a draw, so that the red-red-green Alliance, the women’s quota in the country lists. In the Brandenburg state Parliament, the share of women is 39 percent.
“We have noticed that there are a hundred years after the introduction of Women’s suffrage in German parliaments still too few women”, said the SPD Deputy Klara Geywitz. The 42-year-old former General Secretary, sits in the SPD Federal Executive Board and has been drawn in the group, in the coalition of the strings for the move, after all, the SPD had fallen in the last year politically, more and more on the Defensive.
“We are taking a pioneering role in this”
“Now it will be for the first time in a country setting, the country lists of all the parties to the parity must be occupied.” Geywitz thanked the Green for the kick-off. Now a “progressive majority” of Red will say goodbye to Red-Green the law. “We take a pioneering role,” said SPD parliamentary leader Mike Bischoff.
Against such a rate, there were legal objections. So the original draft of the Green, in addition to the quoted list was also rejected in the case of direct candidates Spitzenduos wanted to prescribe self-Brandenburg, red-red state government in a report to the Parliament as possibly unconstitutional. The report of the parliamentary Advisory service had come to such a conclusion. You know that you step into legal territory, said Geywitz.
“This is a big step and has nationwide as a signal”
We have added notes that equality of choice and freedom of Association, the parties are taken into account, all carefully weighed. “We are convinced that we have managed to bring it with the basic law and the Federal Constitution.” There would be exceptions for parties representing a gender, such as women’s associations or “at some point, a men’s party”. Geywitz expected, that is against the law to the constitutional court may be sought. “But this is more helpful than harmful. Then it is clarified Once and for all.“
“This is a big step and nationwide as a signal,” said Green parliamentary group boss Ursula Nonnemacher, at the same time, designated top candidate for the state election on may 1. September. The Union of such a quota strictly rejects. It was a common concern, that women and men engage equally in parliaments, said faction and party chief Ingo Senftleben. “But it’s not nothing may be defined, which is consistent with the Constitution.” The Parliamentary Secretary Jan Redmann quoted from the government report from October 2018, the constitutional principles affected saw. If the government take this seriously, you must submit a self-norm control proceedings before the constitutional court.
More about
state elections in Brandenburg, As the parties for the choice h4> Thorsten Metzner
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