Racism exist, just as there are also many ethnic danes who are opposed to the RASICME!

And RACISM can never because of that Hassan have been an idiot.

How to say Behtash ‘Body-‘B’east’ in a video that was posted on Facebook yesterday – a video, addressed directly to Tom Andkjær, who since yesterday has gotten plenty of praise for a video about that there is no racism in Denmark – only ” spoiled young people, that makes people angry when they f.ex. skips in the queue.

Community – 25. apr. 2016 – pm. 20:06 rallying cry to ‘snothvalpe’ goes viral: In ruining it for people like me!

Behtash – as you probably know from other good nation!-debates about f.ex. upbringing and scarves – believe, namely, that there is plenty of racism in Denmark:

– You don’t know how it is to be a muslim in Denmark.

– You can in no ways be in their or my shoes

– You should be the adult and think, yes, they jumped over, but Tom….the experience I and other each day, says Betash in the video: