the phone with the husband, then Stefania Kurlikova opens the heavy glass door and walks over to one of the provided writing. Up to you to stick pieces of paper with inscriptions such as “Block C-South”, one for each of the for sale to the real estate company Deutsche Wohnen provided for residential blocks in the Karl-Marx-Allee. 620 homes are affected, also Kurlikovas 65 square meters large Two-room apartment, which she obtained in 2009. In her hands she holds the signed Declaration on the exercise of the right of pre-emption. Minutes later, you will have purely bought formally their own apartment, without having to pay a single Euro for it. The is could be handy, as Kurlikova – like most of their neighbors – the purchase of an apartment is not financially cope with.

like you, many of this morning, the uncertainty, the joy of the model of the “extended acquisition outweighs”. “What are the risks? Which costs threaten?“, these are the questions the representatives of Gewobag and policy answer on the Podium again and again patiently. And even if you can’t eliminate at the end of every residual doubt, many of the tenant: before the German Housing – private housing company to entrust with dubious reputation, put their fate back in the hands of the country’s own Gewobag, of the district and of the Senate.

Together, had developed a model of a “straight acquisition”, the tenants, such as Stefania Kurlikova allows for the purchase of your apartment, because you Gewobag buys the apartments directly, and then – instead of the Deutsche Wohnen as a landlord (see below).

“I did not think it was possible,”

Norbert Bogedein, Chairman of the tenant Advisory Board Karl-Marx-Allee, had fought since the announcement of the sale of the apartments of the previous landlord Predac to the Deutsche Wohnen at the end of October 2018. “I have hoped for but not thought possible,” he said, in view of the many tenants who have exercised their right of first refusal in the claim. How many exactly, is not revealed Bogedein even after counting the applications. Since both the Senate Department for urban development, as well as Left-group leader Carola Bluhm publicly welcomed the Exceeding of the critical limit of 26 per cent of the tenants, is, however, assumed a higher participation. A quarter of the for sale areas must remain in the tenants hand, in order to have a blocking stake in the owner company.

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euphoria order is expected in the houses of the former GDR-not magnificent mile, break out but. The uncertainty is also because the Deutsche Wohnen had been purchased by the end of 2018, a further Block with 151 apartments. Even residents not yet affected blocks were searching on Thursday the Council.

Gewobag ensures protection for ten years prior to self-termination

Others could be preserved against the consequences of serious errors. An older woman, tenant for 66 years, had grown up with an already signed document representations, told a helper. It was, however, the waiver of perception of the pre-emption right – the exact opposite of what it wanted to reach the woman. In the future you will be a tenant of the Gewobag – included in the previous lease contained a clause for a ten-year protection against self-termination. This assured Gewobag-Board Snezana Michaelis, for the uncertainty of the tenant’s full understanding.

Actually, the Senate enters the model for the re-nationalisation of the blocks in the Karl-Marx-Allee, a new territory. What is clear is that tenants like the Senate, are exposed to the Success of the plans. Residential-Secretary of state Sebastian Scheel (Left) spoke of a “Point of no return,” and assured the tenants that the Senate would be found for any Problem that may arise on the way, a solution. If this does not work would be the Bust is huge – for all.
The Opposition criticized the project. Christian Gräff, housing policy spokesman of the CDU parliamentary group, criticised the “special position of the individual tenant, such as the Karl-Marx-Allee”. The right of first refusal was a “for taxpayers, expensive and, at the same time, unfortunately, useless tool against the rent crisis, and against real estate speculation”.

And the “extended acquisition”:

the model of The “straight acquisition” was created jointly by the Senate administrations of Finance and city development, the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and the country’s own housing company Gewobag developed works. It provides that tenants in the affected blocks are able to exercise their right of pre-emption, by the purchase by a notary public or “intermediary” to handle. This buys the apartment in the name of the tenant and sold immediately afterwards to the Gewobag. This, in turn, the Predac Immobilien Management AG in its role as a landlord, Deutsche Wohnen has no access to the apartment.

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re-municipalisation in Berlin-Friedrichshain Showdown on the Karl-Marx-Allee

Thomas Loy Laura Hofmann

In the case of the Deutsche Wohnen purchased block D-South of Karl-Marx-Allee had made the district Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg of its right of first refusal. The Block belongs to the environment protection area.