the duration of the trouble to the pedestrians traffic lights – for many in the city’s day-to-day a mischief-making. That Berlin must also sprint to go to within the (much to short) traffic light phase on the other side of the road, we had discussed the other day here. And now, once again, in the daily mirror-“the Checkpoint”.
A reader has with this criticism of the Senate is turned. His criticism concerns, for example, at a traffic light in Berlin-Lichtenberg District Rummelsburg. It comes to the intersection of main street, corner Hildegard-Marcusson-Strasse: “It is with children or with the stroller in the middle of the street between the two tram tracks and traffic”. Now the answer from the Senate Department for the environment, transport and climate protection, we want to share with you.
Here it is: “The planning of light signal systems (LSA) is performed on the basis of the guidelines for traffic signal systems (RiLSA). These specify, among other things, that the release time must be for Pedestrians, and pedestrians is at least as large, that half the Ford length can be expired during the green time. This release time is the so-called between time. This is calculated in such a way that pedestrians who enter at the last Moment, at Green Ford, can these areas at normal speed without risk of running in traffic. These criteria are met at the specified LSA. It is not required that pedestrians cross on the inside and pedestrians to the Ford within the release time, but the share allowed to Enter the Ford. The secure areas of the Ford is guaranteed during the Rotzeit by the above-described in-between time.“ No Kidding.
read more from the daily mirror-Checkpoint
The Newsletter “Checkpoint” to daily mirror editor-in-chief, Lorenz Maroldt you can order easily and free of charge here:
read more about the pedestrian traffic in Berlin
– Turns off traffic lights, pedestrian-friendly! The Berlin cross is a symbol for the subjugation of the city by the car. It is the law of the stronger crumple zone. A Daily Mirror Comment.
– 1.2 metres per second to put it back, pedestrians, on average, when Crossing the street. Here is the daily mirror-Text.
city planners from abroad: “the fact That you anhupt in Berlin pedestrian, is outrageous!” From the daily mirror-the Newsletter for Pankow.
– More than 300 reader comments: The green phases in Berlin. An extension is not an Option, says a report by the Ministry of transport. Pedestrians should be made to fit. Here is the daily mirror-Text.
– fast Red: pedestrians, it is hardly on the road! Daily mirror reader reports on the worst intersections in Berlin.
– Separate traffic-light phases to protect cyclists and pedestrians. Berlin SPD wants to phase separate Traffic lights, in order to reduce the number of victims in road traffic. The Left is in favour of the Greens have concerns. Here is the daily mirror-Text.
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Whether Lichtenberg and Spandau, whether Reinickendorf and Neukölln: Our people-Newsletter, from all districts of Berlin you can order it free of charge:
More about
traffic policy, Berlin wants more safety for pedestrians and cyclists
Stefan Jacobs