Berlin had become safer, said interior Senator Andreas hostage (SPD). His statement that he assigned the on Wednesday presented the crime statistics. Only: What good is this ritualized presentation of tables and bar charts? For hostage, politically responsible for the security of the Federal capital, and the police President Barbara Slowik, it is first of all, the most important Instrument, in order to account for the work of the police.

Even if the number of crimes decreases, there is less burglary, less theft, but more acts of violence such as robbery and assault – on the security in the city, the statistics says little. Are recorded only criminal offences, and the rate showed, how many of them have been elucidated.

How many victims display

refund at all, But in many cases, the suspects identified by a court and found guilty and were sentenced, says the statistics, nothing more. Also not about how many people go to the police, “just because” you purse stolen or the car is trashed. Finally, some acts, such as drug offences are recorded only in the control group.

Senator hostage and the police President Slowik want to convey to the citizens with a decrease in the number of crime: Berlin for sure. The political message is not to be underestimated. Because safety is a core task of the state. Always been, not only since the terrorist attack of the Islamists anise Amri on the Breitscheidplatz at the 19. By December 2016. Therefore, the state draws its legitimacy.

daily mirror people


ordering of Two Numbers information on safety in the city halfway. The incidence of crime. The drops per 100,000 inhabitants, at the same time, the number of inhabitants grows. The population at risk number of leads per 100,000 inhabitants, the number of Berlin, the victim of a criminal Offence against personal freedom or physical integrity have become so by violence, abuse, trafficking, forced marriage, and the threat. Despite the increase in the number on the level of the 1990s and lower than in the zero years. to assert

According to the statistics, Berlin has become safer, is daring. To the honesty: Not everyone is constantly the victim of Criminals, from burglars. The complaint about unacceptable conditions, a life in danger is not the test of Reality.

perceived security

the Senator for the interior and the police President to stand in front of a Dilemma: For every brutal act of violence, in the case of any apartment break-in discomfort, in families, among neighbors, in Berlin: Because of the sense of uncertainty and truth are often far apart, Barbara Slowik on education: The “sense of security” wants to be scientifically examined. Whether it penetrates so in the case of the doubters?

More about

crime statistics in Berlin Less pickpockets, more cocaine, violence continue to be high

Helena Piontek, Alexander Fröhlich André Görke

Slowik will carefully consider whether or not you send for the feeling of safety more officers on the street. More police officers with Uniform and machine gun could have the opposite effect, the feel of the city, a burden. And then this Internet: the scene of the crime in the future. The number of crimes is on the rise. The Internet patrol? And we want to do that? These are the actual questions that the statistics raise.