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What in the case?

The Federal court of justice (BGH) had to decide on two cases. In the Public – the plaintiff Ralf Zietz. He uses the process to make the risks of organ living donation carefully.

In 2010, he donated his sick wife a kidney. While it was once better, felt Zietz suddenly worse. As he was after the SURGERY awake, he had been “extremely” surprised at how poorly it had gone, he told the court hearing in Karlsruhe, Germany in November.

Also, with time, he was not better. “In the morning when I get up, I’m still just as tired as in the evening. So I don’t have the feeling to have really recovered.” Only three to four hours he was reasonably able to work. “I feel at noon, between twelve and one o’clock, actually, as otherwise formerly, at eleven o’clock. My day is about to end.”

Zietz is today, according to formal criteria, a kidney disorder, is diagnosed. That is, the exhaustion comes, can’t be proven, although there are also other kidney donors with such complaints. This risk had concealed from the Doctors to him, complained Zietz.

Together with a second kidney donor from Dortmund, who also suffers from chronic fatigue, he had to eat, therefore, the University hospital for the Transplantation of responsible physician sued.

when can donate a Living Organ?

The legal requirements are very narrow. The first choice should always be the body of a dead man. A living donation is only possible for people who are very close. This can be, for example, parents, siblings, or spouse.

in addition, the donor must not be endangered “expected to exceed the risk of surgery, or the immediate consequences of the withdrawal, the health of the hard” will be affected. In Germany, in the case of live donations are kidneys almost entirely or parts of the liver transmitted.