A strange scenario takes place when the DM-finals for teams in the badminton take place on Monday evening at the Frederiksberg between the Team Skælskør-Slagelse and Count.

The west zealand crew puts in the ladies ‘ with a Series of 1-player; Vanessa Clausen.

A crazy end to the season for last season’s DM-finalists, but a consequence of the damage, the first single Line Kjærsfeldt incurred.

This is the head coach Steen Schleicher Pedersen with a lost battle, even before the DM-finals will be started from at 18 o’clock.

– It will be difficult. This year, however, we are able to provide a player in the ladies’, but the result is probably the same – we lose. We had a nice chance in the ladies ‘ with a fresh player, but everyone can run into damage, and it is now even the conditions, he says to TV 2 the Sport and refers to last year’s finale, where the triple world champion, Carolina Marin, had to cancel the also a change.

this year is the Line Kjærsfeldt.

Vanessa Clausen is going to have to face Michelle. and must have more than ordinary much help from the higher powers, if she must have something useful from the battle.

Vanessa Clausen play DM-finale, even though she just is the Series 1-play everyday. Photo: Team Skælskør-Slagelse

the Reason that it has come so far, is the hamstring of the one bale, Line Kjærsfeldt sustained in the national championship semifinals for a month or so ago. She went to Malaysia and played for the Malaysia Open. After the defeat in 1. round she pulled out from the next tournament in Singapore.

– They (the management Team Skælskør-Slagelse, red.) is not at all happy with my decision, but it is after all my body and me, who can feel how I have it and have had it for a month now, ” says Line Kjærsfeldt.

the Match is played in Frederiksberg-hallerne, and it is certainly not unlikely that precisely the absence of Kjærsfeldt can have a decisive effect on the outcome.

You can follow the match on the TV 2 Sport from at 17.50.