“Blekinge, the first HPV vaccine for boys”
“Boys in Blekinge will be the first in Sweden to be vaccinated against the HPV virus, reports the SVT Blekinge. During Thursday took the health and sjukvårdsnämnden in the Region of Blekinge, the decision to introduce HPV vaccination of boys in grades 5-6. The vaccine is included in the general vaccination programme for girls, primarily against cervical cancer.”
“– When one of the three get cancer, we do not have time to wait for the government as chosen to wait. Blekinge is now becoming the first in Sweden, that HPV-vaccinating boys, ” says Emma Stjernlöf (M), chairman of the health and sjukvårdsnämnden, to SVT in sweden.”
“Folkhälsomyndigheten judge in an investigation that vaccination against HPV should be offered to boys in the general vaccination programme for children, in place of which today only girls. In the Investigation, it appears that 120 cases of cancer per year can be prevented, even if the boys are vaccinated against HPV. Among men, these are mainly cancers of the throat, penis and anus.”