Brazilian ex-president Jair Bolsonaro says he does not want to become opposition leader in his home country. However, he will work with his party and work for them, Bolsonaro told CNN Brasil on Wednesday (local time) before his planned return from the United States to the South American country. For example, he wants to travel through Brazil and talk to supporters.

“CNN Brasil” showed how Bolsonaro took photos with supporters at Orlando airport and passed controls. The broadcaster accompanies the return of Bolsonaro, who was due to arrive in Brazil’s capital Brasília on Thursday morning (local time).

Right-wing Bolsonaro was defeated by left-wing politician Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in the runoff election for the presidency in October 2022. Two days before the end of his term on New Year’s Eve, Bolsonaro flew to the United States with his family, where he has been ever since. According to media reports, he applied for a six-month tourist visa. To this day, Bolsonaro has not explicitly acknowledged Lula’s election victory.

Bolsonaro’s return could reignite political tensions in Brazil. The former president is facing several investigations – so much so that he even speculated in an interview about his possible arrest. One of the cases relates to the storming of the government district in Brasília by Bolsonaro supporters a week after Lula took office.

Supporters of Bolsonaro, who did not want to recognize Lula’s election victory, stormed the congress, the seat of government and the Supreme Court in Brasília and caused considerable damage. The Supreme Court, based in the capital, is investigating, among other things, “intellectual authorship” and the role of Bolsonaro, who is suspected of being the mastermind behind the attack.

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