the Killings at the Danish Louisa Vesterager Jespersen (24) and her Norwegian friend, Maren Ueland (28) in Morocco’s atlas mountains, which is right now being investigated as terrorism related to the Islamic State, testifies to a completely different approach than we are used to.

It explains the former operative head of PET, Hans Jørgen Bonnichsen. There are several reasons, he says on the matter, where the three men are now arrested for the killings.

– First and foremost, it is a shift in the modus operandi in relation to the terrorists ‘ approach. There is a difference between a christmas market in Strasbourg and a desolate rocky desert in the middle of the mountains of Morocco, says Bonnichsen Extra Magazine and elaborates:

– Previously you always said that the terror went on the places, where you in one fell swoop could beat most people to death. Preferably from as many different nations as possible. And preferably at the times and places where you could establish breaking news and televising the horrors around in our living rooms and villas, ” explains Bonnichsen.

the 112 – 19. dec. 2018 – at. 23:36 PET: Killing may be related to the Islamic State

It is something else entirely, we are dealing with here, says the former PET boss. In fact, it is here ring contrast.

– They (the women, red.) was at a place where you are not able to, that the BBC, daily telegraph and other media can be present in the here and now. Using one as the internet as a substitute, if we are to believe that the rædselsvideo that have been sent out on the network, is real, and it is a clear change. That goes against the individuals, he says.

Hans Jørgen Bonnichsen stresses that it is seen before in history, to the terror strikes individuals. In Denmark, we have among other things seen the assassination attempt on cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, or against islamkritikeren Lars Hedegaard.

the 112 – 19. dec. 2018 – at. 23:19 the Ministry of foreign affairs: Authorities are investigating the terror angle

But back then there was talk about people who have involved themselves in the inflamed samfundsdebatter. In contrast to the two killed women.

– we are talking Here about individuals which, in principle, represents the most innocent you can imagine. Two young girls, on the way out to explore the world, and which in any way have been out to provoke anyone. They would probably just people the best, and they will be exposed to the outrageous acts.

– It hits all the right heart goes straight to the heart, unless you have a stenhjerte. It is the change in modus operandi, says Hans Jørgen Bonnichsen.

the 112 – 19. dec. 2018 – at. 21:57 After the killing of the Danish Louisa: the Police investigate the henrettelsesvideo

There are so many elements in this case which strikes us deep in our emotions, ” says Bonnichsen.

– We have easy to identify us with the terrible sorrow that must influence the parents at the moment. The notion of what has happened with the same excellent, is easy to identify with. We have faces on them, they are in our proximity and then right here at a feast, where all the dreams of peace and harmony.

– So it is successful for the alleged perpetrators. Even the prime minister has been affected by it here, he says.

Danish politics – 20. dec. 2018 – at. 08:08 Loop on the suspected terror killing: the Dark forces will fight us

But it is efterforskningsdelen, who must decide whether or not it has been a deliberate act by the perpetrators.

– It may have been an impulsive action, which you wrap into a higher-that is the deed. That one is a holy warrior, and it is islam’s case, that has made it. It can be a position. But it can also be a pure terror, when it comes to sending it here signal, so we can all become fearful, says Hans Jørgen Bonnichsen.