“The boy was forced to shovel the snow without shoes – her father is sentenced”

“in the Middle of winter forced a boy shoveling the snow without coats or shoes.”

“the Boy should in interrogation have told that the father in the among given him as a punishment.”

“It was at the end of march 2018, as the event occurred in the municipality of Umeå. According to the interviews with the father had the son quarrelled with his mother upon which the decision was made to take his son out to shovel the snow.”

“In interrogation, you can according to the Vasterbotten courier read;”

“According to one neighbor who witnessed the incident had the boy, who is in the younger school age, only had a T-shirt and shouted that he had pain in the feet. The neighbor then did a report to Social services.”

“the Father is sentenced now for molestation. But also, on several occasions, locked out his son from the matrimonial home.”

“in Addition to the 60 units á 50 sek father also has to pay damages to the son of 5500 nok.”