The political game in the Uk gets tough, when on Tuesday the planned brexit vote looks delayed. Labour leader Jeremy Corby (left.) had planned a vote on the government confidence, if Theresa May’s brexit-the contract would be on Tuesday crashed. Now the whole fixture is gone again. ZUMAWIRE / MVPHOTOS

British prime minister Theresa May report will shortly parliament, that he is postponing Tuesday’s planned vote on the brexit treaty. May’s own conservative party has risen against the agreement and a loss would have been guaranteed.

defer plans has electrified the opposition. The scottish prime minister, Scottish national party SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon announced a half at four o’clock Finnish time on Twitter, that the SNP supports the main opposition party, Labour, if it requires a vote of no confidence against the ”under-qualified for the government”.

– we Can then work together and gives people a chance to stop brexit in the second (people’s)vote. This mess can not continue, how would that be? Sturgeon showed the words Jeremy Corby .

the Labour leader was in about half an hour before the Sturgeon’s proposal, released its own statement, which he said May brexit-the agreement ”so catastrophic, that the government has made a desperate wager by delaying the vote on the eleventh hour”.

we Have known for at least two weeks, that the parliament will reject Theresa May’s all of the worst aspects of the cumulative agreement, because it harms Britain, Corby wrote.

We don’t have a functioning government.

Theresa May rise before parliament at 17.30 Finnish time.

the Previous range of approximately 40 years

confidence vote the opposition has the opportunity to overthrow the government and possibly forcing new elections to be organised. Labourilla and the SNP has a total of 292 seats in parliament’s 650-seat house of commons, where the vote would take place.

Conservatives and its support party, Northern ireland’s DUP has a total of 325 seats i.e. just enough, if the government line are not blistered at all. The trust achieve the required 325 votes, while the opposition has the overall 324 votes. One of the house of commons place of the hearing to the president, who does not vote in as exceptional cases.

brexit to oppose the Scottish SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon is ready to crash May the government. ZUMAWIRE / MVPHOTOS

the government of the confidence vote on the outcome is difficult to predict, because the conservatives might be summed up ranks to prevent Labour’s rise to power.

the Last time the British government is toppled in a vote of censure in 1979, when the leader of the opposition Margaret Thatcher fell to the prime minister, James Callaghan with one voice 311-310.

the Current year of 2011 laid down and, so far, untested by law, according to parliament’s censure after 14 days to form a new government, which is then to pass a new vote of confidence. If that doesn’t work, have to be new elections.