A quite exceptional event in the British parliament today: parliament took over the direction of government policy even in their own hands. Out of 16 amendments tabled made parliament speaker John Bercow a selection of 8 brexitvoorstellen, of which tonight’s vote. The outcome of that ‘indicative’ vote is not binding, but interesting and possibly significant for the further course of the brexitsaga. There can actually show what alternative plans might have a chance in the house of Commons, after the deal of prime minister Theresa May, so far, two times was rejected.

The British mps vote tonight at 8 o’clock Belgian time, about the series of alternative brexit scenarios. The selected plans range from a brexit without deal to much closer ties with the EU than the government wants to:

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1. No deal-brexit: the dreaded scenario. London is getting out of the EU without a deal.
2. Common Market 2.0: the United Kingdom would have a similar status as Norway. The British shut themselves back in to the European free Trade area and steps in the European Economic Zone. The European court of Justice holds jurisdiction over trade policy.
3. Option three is similar, with the difference that the British courts decide on disputes.
4. Customs union: the United Kingdom is getting out of the EU, but it forms a customs union with the european Union.
5. An alternative plan of Labourleider Jeremy Corbyn goes a little further than the customs union.

Brexit stop

6. Way to the brexit: this option is a stopgap to a hard brexit to avoid. If the parliament has not reached agreement on the deal with Europe, the house of Commons vote on a “No deal”. If that is rejected, is article 50 is repealed and the brexit from the table.
7. There will be a second referendum on the brexit, which goes beyond the ‘should I stay or go?’. Also about the practical implementation of the exit, and only brexitdeal the public can decide.
8. Special measures in case of a no deal-brexit: if there is a brexit is without a deal, there must be specific measures to be taken.