you Can fork out 4.750.000 million, Britta Nielsen, the former house of your.

barely a week ago was the svindelsigtede Brittas Nielsen’s former home on the Lyrics 104 put for sale, and now is salgsannoncen ready on the Homes website with price, pictures and floor plan.

– The general case of Britta Nielsen know people, so it is clear, that when her home is put for sale, so give it in itself a potent interest, tells Martin Porsmose from Home in Hvidovre, denmark, which is responsible for the sale of the house.

Community – 24. feb. 2019 – at. 07:39 New video in information about: Britta had 300.000 on herself during arrest

– We have already received some inquiries on it. People have seen the sign on the property, and therefore we have received some inquiries. But it is only in the day, we begin to contact potential buyers, he says.

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Come inside in Britta Nielsen’s former home 1 of 5 In the house’s dining room there are French doors to the living room, and there are also doors out to the veranda, from where you can go out to a large terrace and garden. Photo: Home 2 of 5 Here is the kitchen, where Britta Nielsen probably has been and kokkereret. On the first floor there are a kitchenette. Photo: Home 3 of the 5 Here can be seen the garden, where to the left is an outhouse and a chicken coop. Photo: Home 4 of 5 Here is one of the bathrooms on the Lyrics 104. There is another bathroom and a guest toilet in the house. Photo: Home 5 of 5 Britta Nielsen’s former home in Hvidovre is built of brick with a tile roof on top. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan

There is talk about a ‘super exciting property with many possibilities for individual interior design’.

But if you want to be inspired by 64-year-old Britta Nielsen decor of the villa, however, badly disappointed. The house is emptied of all of her furniture and personal belongings.

the 112 – 20. feb. 2019 – at. 10:51 Attorney-general: Britta transferred big amounts to three people

– It is actually the administrator, that has removed it all. How previous owners have lived, not so much with the hussalget to do, so it is removed, so the house can be sold on as neutral a basis as possible, says Martin Porsmose.

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‘FOR SALE’sign was put on the Britta Nielsen’s house on Tuesday of last week. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan

the House is built in 1937 with a site area of 841 square meters and 264 square feet under roof, spread over two floors and a basement.

So there is plenty of room to romp on with five rooms, two bathrooms, garage with space for two cars, outbuilding, chicken coop, kitchen, kitchenette, balcony, and veranda.

the House is put up for sale, a good five months after the former employees in Socialstyrelsens property was seized as a result of the serious allegations made against her.

the Extra Leaf has earlier uncovered how Britta Nielsen bought the house on Lyrics 104 back in 1986. Back then, it cost barely 1.2 million dollars.

Danish politics – 20. feb. 2019 – at. 07:50 New millionregning for Britta-fraud

the House on Lyrics smells is not exactly of the excesses in the millions, and Britta Nielsen lived immediately a quiet life in Denmark. It was in south Africa, which was the major arm movements in everyday life, which Ekstra Bladet has revealed.

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Britta Nielsen in court in south Africa, before she was extradited to Denmark. Photo: Ole Steen

In south Africa Britta Nielsen among other things, bought jewellery in gold and diamonds and built a luxury villa close to one of the world’s most famous game parks, the Kruger National Park.

112 – 14. feb. 2019 – at. 07:14 Brittas daughter goes bankrupt

It has not been possible to get a comment from the liquidator Boris Frederiksen or Britta Nielsen’s attorney, Nima Nabipour.

Britta is alleged to have deceived the national board of social services for the 111 million dollars.

Personal bankruptcy
Britta Nielsen was declared personal bankruptcy of the Maritime and Commercial court 4. October 2018.

But even though Britta Nielsen has lived an animal existence with a home in south Africa, champagne and horses for a large tens of millions, a great part of the way from her values to the 111 million kroner, of which she is accused of having defrauded.

the 112 – 30. jan. 2019 – at. 09:10 Brittas son-in-law charged in svindelsagen: Stored values are in agreement with Britta

in addition to the house that is put up for sale, has been withdrawn an apartment, one not known to the public the number of cars, a retirement plan, a ødegård in Sweden and a credit balance on a bank account.


– from 2002 to 2018 – managed according to the police charges for the 64-year-old Britta Nielsen to move at least 111 million from Socialstyrelsens boxes for their own pockets.

was arrested in south Africa on 5. november and arrived to Denmark 9. november, where she was remanded in custody.

by december, she chose voluntarily to extend his pre-trial detention up to 15. January. Here, she chose again on a voluntary basis to extend the remand.

for fraud of aggravated nature, punishable by up to eight years in prison.

Samina, Jamilla and Jimmy Hayat, is charged with gross handling of stolen goods, that can provide up to six years in prison.

today on the free foot, while Jimmy, like his mother still is in custody. He refuses guilty just like her sisters.

Kian Omid Mirzada, 37, was earlier this year also charged with gross handling of stolen goods in the big information about. He refuses also guilty

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