The svindelsigtede Britta Nielsen’s son-in-law Kian Mirzada has previously been reported to the police for having conducted large amounts of money into and out of its bankrupt cleaning company G2work ApS.

It reveals the so far unpublished documents, Ekstra Bladet has come into possession of through a access at the Maritime and Commercial court.

Kian Mirzada was charged 30. January of this year to have removed and stored values, in agreement with Britta Nielsen, in the great information about

Back in 2013 was big pengeoverførelser to Kians bankrupt company discovered by the bankruptcy trustee, lawyer Ole Borch. He got access to the company’s bank account, where he could see a number of deposits at a total of 478.000 kr. to the account, which subsequently was raised.

– These movements could largely not be immediately ascertained to have happened as part of the company’s operation, write the curator, who assembled concludes:

– I have found circumstances that have given rise to give notice to the police.

: Plus See the criminal complaint: Brittas son-in-law got kæmpebeløb

Pengeoverførelsen have occurred in the period march 2010 to January 2012. It was while Britta Nielsen’s fraud peaked.

Brittas fraud

according to the Ministry of social affairs suspected of rigging the state treasury for the total of 120.5 million. kr. from 1993 to 2018.

from march 2010 to January 2012, where Kian Mirzada had great pengeoverførelser into his bankrupt company, topped the Britta Nielsen’s fraud.

she is accused of swindle for a total of 40 million. crowns.

According to Jacob Dedenroth Bernhoft, director of the and expert in money laundering and financial crime, as is the new information very interesting:

– With the knowledge one has today, it is not a remote idea that it could be Britta, who had provided him with money. And then he used the company account instead of his private account in order not to cause a stir.

– And if SØIK (the fraud squad, ed.) has not already studied it, so it’s clearly something they should do. One such company is an obvious place to hide the money, he says.

In the notification to the police, it appears that the liquidator considers that Kian Mirzada has acted in breach of the companies act and bogføringsloven

In a access to Extra Magazine has sought in Copenhagen is Ranked the Police will only disclose the following about the penalty for Kian Mirzada:

’It appears from the file that it was settled by fine 21. august 2014’, says the decision.

Copenhagen is Ranked the Police regard in addition to the fraud squad, investigating the great information about. Here is the answer, not a comment on whether you are aware of the money-the case with Kian Mirzada because of the ongoing investigation.

It has not been possible to get a comment from Kian Mirzada.

Kian Mirzada relax for having to pay the 478.000 crowns back to the estate.

In the bankruptcy of the statement writes the curator, that he after a vote of the estate’s largest creditor decided:

’Kian Omid Mirzada has not responded to the liquidator’s requests for deposit of this amount and the liquidator has in view, that it must be assumed that Kian Omid Mirzada neither is in possession of the necessary wtp or ability- decided not to pursue the claim further’.

All the while Britta Nielsen’s case lay with the TREASURE in 2013, svindlede she according to the charges merrily ahead and reached the years of draining the treasury for 14,5 million. kr. according to the Ministry of social affairs. No one can, however, be held responsible it sounded in the beginning of march at a press conference. Photo/producer: Lasse Mehrfeld Brøndal/Kristian Hansen