Bruges is A Bruges police inspector has been sentenced to 30 days driving ban and a fine of 1600 euros. 1.6 promille in his blood, rammed the police officer with 40 years of service in succession a refuge, a pole and a parked car. Just before the accident he was also busy with his mobile. “The man was internally an tuchtsanctie. A dismissal was not at issue”, says chief of police Dirk Van Nuffel.
The Bruges police inspector realized Monday morning that he on August 2, 2018 a heavy mistake. “My client came back from the tennis club and had more drunk than allowed”, pleaded his lawyer. “I want to emphasize that, he still was able to drive. At the time of the accident was my client for some time on the road.” The defense emphasized, moreover, that she is aware of the exemplary role that the man has as a police inspector.