if you visit a fitness training of the Academic sports Association of Zurich, is forced, with little space to get along. Hundreds of people train at the same time in a gym and move your arms and legs to the beat of a Bum-Bum-music. This has certainly what is Exciting.

Not overwhelming, but more debilitating is that the human density on the entire University life has transferred. Debilitating for the operation. A recent internal survey of more than 4000 employees of the University of Zurich shows that Many representatives of non-professorial academic Staff are unhappy with the job – and room situation – including professors, doctoral students, technical and administrative employees. In certain faculties, more than half of the respondents feel at the end of the work colleagues or loud phone disturbed: for example, around to get, talks.

race to learning to the libraries

The problems of the University are known. Stefan Schnyder, Director of Finance and personnel, recently said in a University-internal Interview, the University places “known to be bursting at the seams”. In the learning phase, the situation is particularly precarious, says Polina Pokrovskaya, who presides together with Isaias Moser, the Association of students of the University of Zurich (VSUZH). The next learning phase begins in December and lasts until January.

students will then switch to the fight mode. Who wants to get a place for Learning in his favorite library, is, according to Darwin: “survival of the fittest” – Survival of the Fittest. Or Faster: a half-hour before Opening, the students position themselves in front of the library. The door opens, they rush to the places filled within a short period of time. Anyone who has grabbed a table, occupied it often throughout the day. “Students are usually civilized and love,” says VSUZH-President Moser. “But in the library, it is not uncommon to heated word battles.”

Soft students to other libraries, you will be sent away in part. In the library of the Medical school learning places are reserved exclusively for medical students. Also in the procurement of the literature, some students pay nothing. As is generally known, that Jusstudierende in the library, sort of deliberately books the wrong way, so that others can’t find them.

And now come the students

The VSUZH calls for immediate measures to be taken: more places and more meeting rooms Learning. The University of Zurich confirmed the Problem. The real estate development have not held since the 1990s, with the area needs of teaching and research, says media spokesperson Rita Ziegler. At the same time, it refers to a number of measures with which the University has tried to limit the bottleneck at the Learning stations. Currently, the University had in their libraries about 3200 reading courses. It would add about 900 work places in the Central library of Zurich.

In the construction of an occupancy tool is, according to Ziegler. In order to have available learning places on the Internet to be displayed. The VSUZH welcomes the. “In the learning phase, it happens that students commute instead of learning,” reports Pokrovskaya: from the main building up to the Strickhof, to the Irchel and then, according to Oerlikon. On a desperate search for a free space.

Well possible, that students need to back starting in 2023 even closer together. Then around 2000 Gymischüler drag namely and students on the hill campus Irchel, such as the government, ten days ago, has announced. The reason: Three Canton schools will be completely renovated, the last until 2032. The Irchel is used as a temporary shelter.

Who has grabbed a place occupied these often throughout the day.

On the Campus of the young growth was taken in extremely critical: “We have fallen from the clouds,” says Alina Widmer, the geography student and President of the student party IG-Irchel. On the Campus is already today a shortage of space. That the University should in the future be also a Canton-school, creates confusion.

in the Meantime tempers have calmed a little, however. With an Information event was managed to the University Executive considers, to eliminate doubt, in part. “You have promised to us some of what has made us optimistic,” says Widmer. So are catering for the pupils in its own canteen, it is a temporary office building, and the current range of sports premises is complemented with a provisional solution with two gymnasiums and a fitness center.

Also in the area of public transport on the Irchel is traded. Because the fear is great: What if the 2000 high school students time with the students on the Campus? Even today, the buses and Trams are Packed Tomorrow. In the TA request, the Zurich building Department announces, as the competent authority measures: measure compaction of the VBZ-lines, use of larger vehicles, customized lesson plans, and improved Velokonzepte.

cracks in the walls,crumbling plaster

Many students and staff are convinced that The University Executive considers has neglected your space management in the past years and decades. From the large staff expansion in the 90s was too little has been invested in the infrastructure. The lack of space came to a head, the fabric of the buildings suffered. In 2018, the University raised the real estate management. She created, for the first time, a Directorate for real estate and business, also with regard to the complex construction of the University in the coming years.

The place was occupied with François Chapuis, the former Canton Aargau Builder. “A good, long necessary step,” says Co-President Hannah Schoch, the Association of academic staff of the University of Zurich. With Chapuis, a competent contact person is available, if there are problems with the infrastructure.

The building substance is in part a concern: crumbling plaster, cracks in the walls and problems with the air conditioning. In the faculty of philosophy in summer, temperatures of over 40 degrees have been measured. The be difficult conditions, in order to preserve the academic work of a cool head, says Hannah Schoch.

The University was long blocked, which relates to the management of their infrastructure, because the control competence in the field of real estate, was the building Department. First 2015 broadcast of the Canton to the University. Since then, the University can take the Client for and construction of new buildings themselves. This allows, according to media spokeswoman Rita Ziegler, major upcoming projects “in the best possible way to the needs of researchers, teachers and students to vote”.

Created: 10.11.2019, 21:40 PM