The dream of Green , this December to receive a Federal Council at the expense of the FDP , bursts already. Party President Regula Rytz is not even with the other presidents on a green candidate and the discharge of the FDP foreign Minister, Cassis spoken, because the possible choice of helpers to beat her to the door. The influence of politicians from the CVP the choice of a Green from a close in this Winter for the first Time categorically. And without the CVP is a majority in favour of such a venture is possible.

The CVP national councillor Ruth Humbel says: “The time is ripe for a green Federal Council. The Green to confirm your choice result at the next elections first.” Because until now the voters have varied interests from legislature to legislature strong.

deselect A President of the Federal Council, is detrimental to the concordance.Elisabeth Schneider-Schneiter, member of the CVP-Bureau

slumped After the Be done immediately after the nuclear disaster of Fukushima, for example, the proportion of the Greens at the next election in 2015.

in Addition, the Christian Democrats, lead to the political stability in the field. A deselection of the President of the Federal Council is not out of the question, and was dangerous. “It destabilizes our System”, says Humbel. There are fears that the government is falling apart because the government felt political parties, the government obliged.

Inevitably, the comparison with the deselection of Christoph Blocher, after the SVP , in fact, the Opposition has adopted drops. Elisabeth Schneider-Schneiter, national councillor and member of the CVP Bureau, says: “A President of the Federal Council deselect, is detrimental to the concordance.” You could not afford.

The CVP does not want a tit-for-tat risk

The CVP is also the fear to the own Federal Council seat to driving. In party scenarios, in which the CVP would need to a choice of a Green instead of a free-thinking, in turn, their seat on the FDP issue are circulating. Schneider-Schneiter: “Abwahlen-drawn carriages carry the risk of Return.” Such a risk would not be received. Thus, it is clear what has indicated President Gerhard Pfister on the last Sunday In an attack on a FDP-seat, the Greens can count on the support of the CVP.

Regula Rytz, party leader of the Greens: “If the FDP does not want to move, it must explain its response to the shift in the political landscape”. Photo: Franziska Roth Buhler

Now is also Green party leader, Regula Rytz, that provides you with a fight-election chances. She tries to put, therefore, the FDP, under political pressure and to urge the voluntary withdrawal of their Federal councillors. The FDP will lose its credibility as a democratic party, if you have the green turn in the way, says Rytz: “If the FDP does not want to move, it must explain to the Public what is your response to the big shift in the party landscape.”

FDP-President Petra Gössi remains hard. Because you know that the CVP has no desire to take the Hosenlupf. “The Greens will have to stabilise first, at all levels, and consistency in your results to show, before this question,” says Gössi.

Behind the SVP, the other parties are nearly equal in size

Now, however, SVP Godfather Christoph Blocher, of the Greens, years ago, voted to open the door a crack for a green Federal Council. Although he, too, wants to know nothing of a one-sided attack of the Green on the FDP: “We would stand protectively in front of the FDP.”

However, Blocher, representing the SVP in strategic issues both before and after the tone, record an alternative scenario for a green Federal Council: “One choice would be for me to question, if the FDP and SP would ever do without a seat,” he says – and that is for the Green and green liberal. The laying the Foundation for a new magic formula. And this Blocher formula is as follows: “a model with two SVPlern and a Green, a green liberal, a FDPler, a CVPler and a SPler, the numerical concordance would be observed to some extent,” says Blocher.

The formula is actually the only variant, with the help of a seven-member government, all the major parties at least approximately according to their strength in Parliament would be represented. Despite the losses, the SVP stands out with a vote share of 25.6 percent, which was still. Behind it, five parties follow, with shares between 8 and 17 percent. The are still far, but none has a share that is enough for two seats.

SVP would become the dominant party in the Federal Council

For the SVP, this scenario is attractive. As the only party you would be represented by two Federal councils and could dominate the government. Therefore, signal the influence of SVPler rich that their party could support such a model, the choice of green Federal councils. Werner Salzmann, the strong man in the Bernese SVP, says, for example, the Blocher formula was “worth considering, because you can map to strengthen the Party better”.

The other parties would lose it. In particular, the civic center from the CVP and the FDP would be fragmented. And the left-Green would be weakened rather than according to the election results strengthened. It is hard to imagine that the SP and the FDP will support in December, the own disempowerment. “It is not appropriate to throw everything to the Quick on the pile. This also applies to the choice of a GLP-representative,” says Gössi.

is likely to increase the pressure, the Federal Council according to the model 2-1-1-1-1-1 transform, more. Green and green-liberal are likely to expand in the next elections in four years at the expense of the SP and the FDP. And then, when in fact, five of the main political parties, the SVP are very close to each other, are a way of Blocher formula.

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Created: 26.10.2019, 22:53 PM