Every four employed persons in Switzerland has Stress at work and feel exhausted. According to the Stress-Monitoring in 2018, the health promotion Switzerland Foundation, 27 percent of workers are impacted by their resources. 30 percent feel emotionally exhausted. Who moves for months or years in the vicious circle of Overwork and Overstrain, ends up in an emotional, spiritual and physical state of Exhaustion, called Burnout.

However, Burnout is not a medical diagnosis of a recognized disease. Frequently is diagnosed in the Affected exhaustion depression. Now, however, the Burnout should be recognised syndrome as an occupational disease. This is the Walliser SP-Nationalrat Mathias Reynard calls for a parliamentary Initiative, which will be treated on Friday in the health Commission of the national Council.

annual damage of 6.5 billion

With the recognition of Burnout as an occupational disease could be more intensively treated, Affected, better, and prevention of occupational re-entry easier, so Reynard. He refers to studies which showed that the workers perceived Stress will steadily larger. A cause of the change in the work world and the changing methods of production. The risk for Burnout in the Professions the service sector the highest.

Reynard also refers to the economic harm cases caused by Burnout. This is according to the health promotion Switzerland annually to 6.5 billion Swiss francs, equivalent to 1 percent of gross domestic product. Factored in the costs of illness-related downtime, as well as the untapped potential of the Affected are.

occupational physician Brigitta Danuser would welcome a recognition of the Burnout syndrome. Because that would be Burnout says explicitly on the list of occupational diseases should the employer company, more for the prevention of Stress in the workplace, Danuser. For the persons Concerned, the recognition would have the advantage that the accident insurance accept the costs of treatment, and no Franchise would have to be paid.

doctor: “That will make a difference”

furthermore, If Burnout cases in operation occur frequently, you should investigate the insurance of the causes and might prompt the employer to take measures against the high work load. “Only if the insurance company makes the appropriate investigations in a company, it will have an effect,” says Danuser. She is a full Professor of occupational medicine at the centre Unisanté in Lausanne and former President of the Swiss society for occupational medicine. It was confronted to your institution again and again with Burnout patients. This worked almost always in the service area.

Although Burnout in Switzerland, is widely used, not attributed to Danuser so that many cases as a profession would be recognized disease. Because the legal hurdle is high. Such a disease must have been due to more than 50 percent of the professional activity. Until today, a mental illness as a profession had been recognized in Switzerland, never. Recognition as an occupational disease would advance the notion that Burnout is regarded as a medical diagnosis, so a medical Code.

the psychologist Niklas Baer is in favour of a recognition of Burnout as an occupational disease. Thus, the theme of mental illness would be given more weight and the Affected would be less stigmatized. Burnout, the difficulty will pass, however, is to keep the work-related factors and other causes, says Baer. He is head of the Department of Psychiatric Rehabilitation at Psychiatrie baselland and has participated in various studies for the work integration of the mentally Ill.

employer recognition

The recognition as an occupational disease was not the right way to go, says Martin Kaiser from the employers ‘ Association. Burnout is a serious phenomenon, and behind, various diagnoses were. Often the cause not only in the professional activity, but there are also other reasons, such as private. One way or the other, the employers were required to recognize the Situation at the workplace as early as possible to prevent, with appropriate measures a collapse. If this is not successful would have to be Concerned, be assisted by a professional and return to work.

The occupational diseases are defined in the accident insurance act. These are diseases, “which are caused by the professional activity exclusively or mainly to harmful substances or certain types of Work”. The injurious substances and work-related diseases listed in a regulation. Among the list of diseases of the lung appears, for example.

A disease can also be diagnosed as an occupational disease, if it is not listed explicitly. Such occupation-related health disorders can be diseases of the musculoskeletal system or complaints, such as insomnia or Stress. Because there are usually a variety of causes, today there is hardly any prospect of recognition as an occupational disease. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 13.02.2019, 20:38 PM