The acting Minister of the interior, Bernhardt is to be the successor to the in December, which this prong. The has announced US President, Trump on Twitter. Bernhardt is because of his previous activities controversial.

After the resignation of his scandal-Minister Ryan Zinke-and-dagger of the interior, U.S. President Donald Trump wants to make his controversial Deputy, David Bernhardt, the successor to. Trump announced on Twitter that he was going to Bernhardt nominate, leads the Ministry, since the zinc eliminated at the turn of the year, Commissioner. The Senate, in which trump is the Republicans have a majority, you must confirm the candidate.

“Since the day of his arrival, David has done a fantastic Job, and we look forward to his nomination officially confirm it,” wrote Trump.

Protest from environmentalists

Bernhardt has worked as a Lobbyist and lawyer for several Oil and gas companies, and was for the first Time under President George W. Bush for the Ministry of the interior. Republicans had argued that Bernhardt’s experience on both sides make it an informed regulator. Democrats and environmental groups replied that he was a conflict-of-interest-prone. The “Washington Post” described Bernhardt as “an experienced lobbyists” that have driven the efforts of the government, Oil and gas drilling.

environmentalists protested immediately against Trumps choice. The environmental protection organisation “Friends of the Earth called the” Bernhardt corrupt and referred to him as a “puppet” for the companies that polluted the environment.

In the USA, is the Minister of the interior, especially for the management of the Federal land is responsible. The Ministry decides about whether conservation areas are to be identified, or whether energy extraction such as Fracking is allowed. Internal security is the task of the homeland security Ministry.

Bernhardt was appointed in December of Trump to the Komi Sari Minister of the interior.

Several Ministerial posts still unfilled

Bernhardt’s predecessor prong was advised, among other things, due to more expensive travel, and questionable business in disrepute, against him, several investigations were conducted. A number of high-ranking employees of the Trump government to be fired or to resign pushed, others are voluntarily eliminated. Also, U.S. Secretary of defense James Mattis and Trumps chief of staff John Kelly went at the end of last year. Both Offices are currently being conducted at the Council table.

Trump traded the Minister of the interior prong, 15.12.2018 Atlas |USA |Washington D. C.

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