Now, it becomes more expensive to felparkera in Stockholm. The green & blue majority in Stockholm has in its budget said it would take 85 million extra on felparkeringsavgifter next year – a total that doesn’t come up in if you are not raising parking fees dramatically or patches significantly more cars.
Now the proposal on the increase of the felparkeringsavgifterna offentligtgjorts.
felparkeringarna will now cost 1.300 sek. For example, it can be about car parking in public transport lanes, stopping or at a place reserved for the disabled. In the past cost the type of bot 1.200 sek.
Read more: the greatest risk Here is to get the p-fined in Stockholm
The park or stop the vehicle, the trafikstörande – thus, for example, during a servicedag – may, according to the proposal 1.100 sek in fines. That is to say, 250 dollars more than last year.
If you forget to solve the ticket for your parking and will be patched, you must expect a cost of 900 sek. This is an increase of 150 sek.
the Plans on the rise in the P-charges have previously been criticized by the opposition. Jan Valeskog (S) has said that the increased revenue forecast of 85 million is ”unreasonable”.
Trafikborgarrådet Daniel Helldén (MP) says that the green & blue the majority consensus is on the rise. Most of all, he would like to raise the fee for trafikfarliga car parks even more, but it may not, according to Swedish law. The maximum amount is of 1,300 crowns.
” We raise all of them. It looks a bit strange and that the maximum fine will be raised a bit, but it is because we are not allowed to raise it more. We would like to raise it even more. says Daniel Helldén.
But if the increase really means an increased income to the municipality on the 85 million remains to be seen. Daniel Helldén hope that the increase in fees will mean that more of the parking right, which would mean lower revenues to the municipality during the felparkeringsposten in the budget.
” We can never know exactly what it lands on. If people can park right in full we will have not the money, but we do not know. The sum is the bit between your thumb and forefinger.
He does not agree with the criticism from the Jan Valeskog that the forecast would be unreasonable.
” When he made the criticism, he had not seen the proposal. It was just budgeteringsposten for what it would come up in. We need to do that when the budget is added. He counted on the other kinds of increases, and then it is clear that he gets the perception that we are not capable of it, ” says Daniel Helldén.
– We must budget for what we believe will happen. You should try to put a budget which is as accurate as possible for what we think the outcome is next year, ” says Daniel Helldén.
Oppositionsborgarrådet Jan Valeskog (S) do not think that the management has been managed in a professional way and that it is unreasonable, when the difference between the less trafikfarliga illegal parking and more trafikfarliga illegal parking becomes less.
” this confirms the concerns we have had, to move away from the purpose of the parkeringsböterna. Instead of being a tool for increased accessibility and improved road safety, so use fines as a budgetregulator to cover up the tax cut that has been made, ” says Jan Valeskog.
2017 pulled the municipality in 336 million on felparkeringsavgifter.