The Greens want to make the Olympic Park in the West of Berlin, accessible to the public for sports and leisure. District and provincial politicians of the government party are now active. The Greens call for the district Assembly (BVV) of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, decreed, “that the Olympic site will open with its wide range of facilities for other clubs and users”. The 130-hectare Site should be “within the framework of the legal and factual possibilities” for all those who are Interested.

With the discussion of the construction of a new Hertha stadium on the edge of the Olympic Park should be reviewed, the concept of the Olympic Park and further developed in an application of the Green fraction in the district Parliament. Nicole Ludwig, sports policy spokesperson of the Greens in the house of representatives, also takes Hertha in the duty.

The Association, the contract has guaranteed in the rights of use for parts of the Olympic Park, should say, how he envisions Opening up of the site. But first and foremost, Ludwig sees the Senate in the requirement for an overall concept.

Well-connected and still in the sleeping beauty

wrong in a situation will accused of the Olympic Park on the outskirts of the city, says Ludwig. “With the S-Bahn one is from Alex in 15 minutes.” Good transport links to sports and concert fans who want to the Olympic stadium, never in doubt. Nevertheless, the former Reich sports field, which is protected as a garden monument is, to a large extent in a deep sleep.

daily mirror people

for Free order

the site was Created for the 1936 Olympic games. After the Second world war, the Northern part was used by the British allied headquarters. In 1994, the property fell after the withdrawal of the occupying powers, to the Federal government, which handed it over, a little later, the Land of Berlin.

The big challenge, to make something, the Senate perceived, until today, only half-heartedly. Anyway, in 2004, adopted the “Concept for the Olympic site has not been implemented” until today. Then the Senate promised to make from the piece of filet in the quiet Westend District is a “unique Area for sports, culture and leisure”.

a year Ago, a new attempt was made, in order to give the Olympic Park a new perspective. At the beginning of 2018, the sports administration issued a study for the energy rehabilitation and modernization of the site, including an Implementation roadmap to 2050 in order. This resulted in a master plan should be developed, which should actually be available already in the autumn of last year.

remodeling is expensive

But on Wednesday, the sports administration of the Senate, asked the main Committee of the house of representatives to an extension of the deadline until 30. June. Then, the Parliament has been in summer break. That would have meant that the house could tank deal at the earliest, mid-August, with the master plan, then the preparations for the country’s budget 2020/21 run on high tours.

Therefore, the budget experts in the administration of sport have set a new deadline until the end of may, because there can be no doubt that the gradual transformation of the Olympic Park will be expensive. The cost for the rehabilitation and modernization of the site and its buildings by 2050 are estimated to be of the sports administration to 567 million Euro. The huge sum was hidden in a two-page interim report to the main Committee.

In the period up to 2050, the spread of “only” 19 million euros a year. Currently, the financial planning of the Senate, provides for a six million Euro investment per year for the Olympic Park. The financial experts of the coalition will soon have to decide whether and how you want to close this gap.

On the site of about 90 buildings, from the house of German sport on the forest stage and a riding hall to the former telephone distribution, and the gardener’s house. A part of the real estate portfolio is suitable only for demolition. Nevertheless, it remains more than enough to do.

How to deal with the ramshackle grandstand of the Olympiabads?

So the current investment programme of the Senate until 2022 money for the renovation of the Large gym, the staircase, the Waldbühne, the Berlin sports Museum, the swimming stadium, the sealing of the maifeld stands and the construction of the new guard in the East. A new depot is to be completed later this year, and the construction of a new sports hall is being prepared. The same applies to the two plastic playing fields and two new courts for volleyball and blind football.

A Problem that is unresolved for years, is dealing with the ramshackle stands of the Olympic swimming pool. The conservation authority wants to get the stands as unchanged as possible, that would cost about 30 million euros. Be used in buildings and areas now by many sport clubs and associations. To Hertha BSC, sports club Charlottenburg and water friends Spandau 04. But the five fighters and athletes, gymnasts and basketball players, boxers and cyclists are in the Olympic Park home.

don’t forget the disabled and operating athletes, and the German chess Federation. After a long struggle, was located on the site of the Poelchau-sports school, the sports Museum gets a new exhibit and the state sports Association and the sports youth Berlin are represented there. The 130 hectares of Green still on many days almost empty of people.

More about

building plans in the Olympic Park, Hertha must wait longer for new stadium

Ulrich Zawatka-Gerlach

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