
– I’ve got this decision, in spite of conclusive evidence, and the offender is served on a silver platter for the police.

– the Police are talking often about that they do not have the resources etc to apprehend the perpetrators of the rise of online crime, burglaries etc, but here is a case where the se has got the whole svineriet.

And then, release the offender anyway?!?

so begins Tanja L a letter to the nation! about to be scammed and let down. First cheated by a person who went against the 4500 dkk, she transferred as the payment of a used iPhone. And since the failure of the police, who have not spoken with the person, and in addition refers to that the person just can deny to have done something wrong. Tanja do not think it can be true, and she would like to hear, if she is the only one. her letter continues namely as follows:

– now, I am hugely frustrated and puzzled .

– I wrote at the time in 2018 repeatedly to Søren Pape and several different the person in charge of the police – and now this decision..

– I have also sent an email to the new minister of justice, without response, yet at least..

– Yes, one can then wonder about the rising crime rates, when they escape time and time again, writes Tanja, but what are you thinking?