A Chinese court has sentenced a canadian convicted of drug smuggling to the death. The court in Dalian, picked up on Monday the initial ruling, to the effect that the 36-year-old Robert Lloyd Schellenberg should serve a 15-year sentence.

“The court rejects the explanations and the defence of the accused Person in its entirety, because they are completely contrary to the facts,” said the presiding judge.

A higher authority had objected to the first judgment as to mildness and a higher degree of punishment required. The judgement on Monday came after a one-day hearing, in which several process observers took part.

“In the smuggling ring

Schellenberg” was arrested according to Reports, in 2014, in the province of Liaoning. Him of drug smuggling on a large scale and a possible entanglement have been accused of international organized crime. In November, the judgment was delivered on 15 years ‘imprisonment and the equivalent of 20’000 Swiss francs Fine.

Schellenberg came to his statement about a friend with a dodgy man in contact. This was to him, as a Translator, presented, in fact, he was advised by him in an international drug smuggling ring.

reprisal for Huawei chief financial officer

The relations between Canada and China are currently strained. Beijing is upset about the arrest of the Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou in Canada at the beginning of December. Meanwhile, Meng against the payment of a security Deposit was released under strict conditions. The procedure runs to their extradition to the United States. Washington accuses the businesswoman violations of the Iran sanctions, and calls for their extradition.

Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou was in December in Canada. (Archive photo) photo: Reuters

Since Mengs procedures were taken in China a number of canadian citizens – a former Diplomat and a China live, North Korea expert, are still in detention. The two men are Beijing, suspected to endanger the “national security” – in China is a euphemism for a suspicion of espionage.

the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau was “extremely” concerned that China had “arbitrarily” imposed the death penalty against Schellenberg.

According to observers, the arrest of the two Canadians was a retaliatory action by the Chinese authorities for the establishment of the Chinese Manager Meng.


Created: 14.01.2019, 23:16 PM